The tragedy of our species relapses on the recognition of what infinity is through the otherness.
Sometimes one would love to pretend and play along with everybody. Though, when one admits that death is part of oneself, that every intrinsic aspect of life is nullified, and one feels all the weight of the futility’s anguish on its shoulders, that same amusement is not as entertaining as it primarily was:
The crushing truths hurt on its acknowledgement.
We must remember, for example, the tragedy of Oedipus, which happens only because he recognizes his own destiny. Our unicity in the world, and our capacity for judging the otherness, is an excruciating truth. Nowadays we have sophisticated the long quest of the identity’s process, the quest of recognizing us in front of the otherness…even in its intimacy we share it as a species.
Although what is the validity in that quest for the being? Are there any consequences because of the lack of a well-structured philosophy that could try to unit the identity of the postmodern society?
Hay veces que uno quisiera imitar a un jugador tramposo y seguirle a todos la corriente. Pero toda vez que uno admite a la muerte como parte suya, que se nulifica todo valor intrínseco de la vida, y siente caer con todo su peso la angustia de lo inútil, ese recreo no es tan atrayente como lo fue anteriormente:
Lo fatídico del ser humano recae en su comprensión del infinito, pues las aplastantes verdades duelen en su reconocimiento.
Hay que recordar que la tragedia de Edipo, por ejemplo, sucede en saberse a sí, y a su destino. Nuestra unicidad frente al mundo, o más bien, nuestra capacidad de discernimiento en lo otro, es una verdad intrínsecamente dolorosa.
Hoy puede que hayamos sofisticado la larga busca del proceso de identificación, de reconocernos en lo otro con lo propio; proceso que aún en su intimidad no es ajena a todos.
Qué vigencia puede haber en esa búsqueda del ser?, qué consecuencias hay hoy en día por la falta de una filosofía bien estructurada que intente darle cohesión a la identidad del hombre posmoderno?
The human frankness of recognizing our own dispensability
The human will (in these schizophrenic times obsessed with immediacy) has become the real center towards which the incessant pass of progress has to converge. For my generation, the millennial generation, our whole life is a hangover: we tend to forget the sentence of being self-conscious stardust, we tend to forget the desire of transcendence, and, hence, everything is transformed in a caricature of the postmodern decadence.
Could there be other non-human eyes that could see the fall with all its weight of that uncomfortable truth? There is no sense on denying that the conformity of things, with the concept that our mind has formed of it, corresponds to our time and the occurrence of Western history. Furthermore, the only way to reach the human transcendence is the human one. One could escape the human world through the consumption of the internet, through the memes produced, and through the long hours dedicated to Steemit.
All the known reality is revealed to our eyes with value: is not possible to experiment nothing beyond the ethic prejudices and the estheticism conformed by perception. We are not video cameras, and is unwise and bold to say that the observer has no conscious of the world: the whole idea of perception as we know it’s unimaginable. A fallacious purpose is inadequate because it constitutes our reality: it is not
Podrían acaso otros ojos, que no los humanos, ver caer con todo su peso la verdad ultimada? No tiene sentido negar que la conformidad de las cosas, con el concepto que nuestra mente se ha formado, corresponde a nuestro tiempo y al acontecer de la historia. Es más, la única vía para llegar a la intrascendencia es la humana y ésta sola es la que le da más poder. Uno no puede escapar del mundo humano por más internet que consuma, por más memes que produzca, por más horas que diario le dedique a Steemit...
Toda la realidad conocida se nos revela cargada de valor; no es posible experimentar nada si no es con los prejuicios éticos y estéticos que conforman la percepción.
No somos cámaras de video, y es imprudente y arriesgado decir que la cámara no tiene conciencia del mundo, ya que la sola idea de la percepción como es conocida es impensable. Los fines falsos son inadecuados pues constituyen la realidad, y ésta no es menor que la del conjunto de percepciones que conforman nuestra experiencia del mundo.
El gran desafío está en que uno proponga los fines—ahí el gran papel de una ética de la identidad.
Amig@, si disfrutaste algo—aunque sean los memes—de la reflexión anterior, por favor dale tu upvote!
Friend, if you enjoyed anything (at least the memes) of the above considerations, please give me your upvote!
@alonsomathWho am I? Visit my introduceyourself, with the promise of nudes.
Want to know even more about me? Please read How I stabbed a coward but former friend (with pictures :D)
I gave you an upvote for effort. As far as post-Modernism is concerned, it is the answer to nothing. It is, however, the cause of a lot of fragmentation, discord and mental illness in the Western world.
Thanks @mmo-mmo. I see that you've been uploading some posts on Postmodernism. I'll check them, so I can learn more about the subject. I accept that my knowledge of philosophy is kind of raw still, and one of an aficionado. My professional formation is on Math, that's really my strenght and field of study.
Anyhow, thanks for the upvote and see you around!
Cheers from México
@alonsomath - I am not a philosopher either...but it is good that we can talk about things and learn, true?
Yes, that is the only way human knowledge can have any progress
good post friend and content if you want to take a look at my post