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RE: Why There Is So Much Suffering In The World, And How You Can Learn To Cope With It.

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

One of the cosmologies I subscribe to and still find viable in this age is what I call Gnostic Non-Duality. It's a cosmology that recognizes the fallibility of, *The Demiurge, whom, in this cosmology, is very much real and is responsible for this flawed universe. We know that an 'OMNI' God could have easily made the world without suffering so we can deduce that the God of this existence is a limited God.
So what of this OMNI God? Well, sirs and madames, its ways are unfathomable but the wisdom of The Aeons work good for all things are contained within The Gnostic Kristos where the fullness and harmony of the opposites are reconciled into non-duality:)))
Okay, I'm down with spiritual atheism, too! Or what is called Pantheism, or a complete naturalist spirituality.

  • The Demiurge is irrelevant as far as humanity is concerned; we deal with its Archons, and they are, indeed, a force to be reckoned​ with. But in Non-Dual Gnosticism, ​it is better not to judge them by human standards of morality.

I came across this same information a few days ago, while researching a completely different thing. I believe it was Ayahuasca. Funny how all avenues seem to lead in the same direction in the end..