The theory of "Survival of the fittest" has been one of the most damaging things to humanity and the environment.
People think they are superior to other species and just kill and extinct them without much care or regard because they think they are better than other beings.
Survival of the fittest? More like.. You're going to extinct yourselves killing species which are vital to the eco system that you think are inferior, it's ridiculous.
Survival of the fittest my ass, more like self extinction of the dumbest.
I think we need to realize there's a group of humans out there who have lost touch with "love" and the source and they just basically want to dominate and hurt and prey off of others.
Until we recognize this reality and confront it.. It will continue to happen. Similar to how ignoring a broken leg or some other kind of injury or disease will likely just make it worse.
No amount of peace and love and prayer or well wishes is going to make these people stop, they don't care about others they are sociopathic. There has to be some other kind of solution.
I hope that we can teach the next generation to be better. I hope that we can teach the next generation that they are responsible for the world and not just themselves. I hope that they will see that the way we behave in this world has consequences--I hope people will figure it out before its too late.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. I highly resonate with and agree with your sentiments.
I think more people have to be reminded to be kind, live and let live. In my opinion, those who forgot how to love because they haven't experienced love for a while.
Well said friend. Yet.. At this point, many of these people I think are beyond repair. No amount of love can save them, though into the future we should do our best to try to prevent others from becoming that "messed up" for lack of a better term. The more we live in harmony with the world I think the less people will get messed up.. And I think we're working back towards that, though it's been pretty grim for a while and it's still so grim it could be too late.. Time till tell I guess.. I'm only one little person, and I think that's how a lot of people feel.. Like.. "I'm just one person what can I do." but when we all think that way it really makes things worse and if we could all somehow believe that the opposite is true and that each person is powerful and we can all do a lot... Then I think the world would get a lot better.
If it has to be, it's up to me. Everyone is capable of love and it's also important to remember to love those hardest to love as more often than not, those are the ones that need love the most.
Yeah it's important we all do our part, or at least most of us or a large portion of us. And I generally agree with your sentiments, but some I think are beyond repair.. No amount of love will help them or stop them from preying off of others.
Thank you for the great post
Keep sharing following you
All he can do is better ourselves and hope to be a leading example for those who have lost hope . It’s scary , the path some people are taking
Have you ever heard of the venus project by jaques fresco... I like his sollution on how to co- exist with nature and live in a self sustaining Utopia.
Yeah I've heard of it, I am umm.. Open minded to some of it though their ultimate plan of having a super computer sort of run everything I think is not something I want to endorse.
You know what I think the only solution is for people to teach love in their homes, it's sad to say but there are so many broken homes, mostly due to the fact that so many people in the top % don't give a damn enough because they were fed "love" with money and material things. Love conquers all, at least that's what I believe. So the next generations to come will eventually only know love and love alone!
Some nice sentiments in the comments, although I have to look at reality. Remember the 60's people? Remember make love not war, remember the dawning of the age of aquarius? Remember the products of those years? The Clinton's, The O'bama's, The Bushes? The Trumps? Yes the reality is that they are all products of the 60's and 70's. Many people in their late 40's to early 50's are the children of that era. Born between 1965 and 1975? then your parents were part and parcel of the generation of Love. Where has that gotten their children? Let's not ignore the past, that is something to often done.
Ask yourself - - - Did the Tune in drop out movement help society? Did - - - Flower Power, make a big difference to society? - - - - Did the Hippie Movement make any lasting changes to society? What did the "Free Love" movement bring to society? One of the only good things to come out of the 60's was people woke up to the plight of the "Black American". And it was not all done through peace and love brother, it was mostly through rage and violence, bet we as a society learned, color does not make the man or woman, love does not make the man or woman either. It is a conviction to an Ideal, to a truth that makes a man or a woman. Sorry for being a maybe downer, but the truth as a person sees it needs to be examined, not ignored.
Solution - - Look at the past, learn from the past, look at the truth of the now, look at where it will lead you - - - if you don't like what you see, stand up for your convictions and make a change.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I sort of agree with your sentiments about the various movements, though they did help in ways.. Just not enough to solve the problems. Nothing short of us collectively coming together to resist will do that I don't think.. And by collectively I mean enough people.. Like.. A significant amount. No one person can fix these things in my opinion, it takes a lot of people.. Yet the evil people are great at organizing, though good people not so much.. Not nearly as much as those who gain together to prey off of others. It's weird how that works out..
Lavoy Finicum stood up for his convictions, his beliefs. The Bundys stood firm in their beliefs. Malcolm X stood for his beliefs, and Martin Luther King stood for his beliefs. I forget the name of the lady that refused to go to the back of the bus, but she, one person, did make a difference. IF a person is willing to Stand for their conviction and beliefs then yes one person can make a difference. It is not the one telling you you can not make a difference, it is them, they, government, and church telling you you don't matter. Society is good at telling people what they can and can not do, society is the believers in the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
One man, one woman, or one God, can make a difference in the lives of the many. The many will never make a difference in the lives of the one.
Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying one person can't make a difference. I'm saying one person probably can't solve some of these major issues we face, like war for example. I've yet to see anyone stop people from bombing each other, and in regards to MLK jr, it's great he helped so many, yet.. Sometimes it seems as if people are almost more racist than ever. Same with Ghandi and other people who helped.. There's now more war and more people dying by government than ever.. So I mean.. it's great we have one of these MLK or Ghandi types every once and a while and they help, but they have not solved the problems. In order for that to happen in my opinion we must all become our own ML and Ghandi types. Or.. A lot of us.. Not all.. Just a lot, more than we have now. Much more.
A point not missed by me. Society is not going to solve the ills of society, any more than a drug addict is going to solve the drug addiction problem. It is the individual,(who often stand outside of society), who has the ability to solve the issue. One individual gathering more individuals, MLk and Gandhi started as individuals, as one, then they gathered, not intentionally but because other individuals saw substance in what they stood for, and chose to stand with them. The individuals chose to stand with them first, then society tagged along.
In time the bombs will stop falling. As humans we have not stopped fighting among ourselves, it is questionable if we can live without fighting among ourselves. It is going to take a long long time before the bombs stop falling. As for there being more war and more people dying than ever before are you really sure about that? When in history has there not been war? Are we killing more people percentage wise than any of the wars in the past? Is our (USA) government, or other country governments really killing more of its own citizenry percentage wise than it did in the past?
I do not believe Ghandi, and MLK had anything to do with an increase in violence. During their peak notability time, there may have been a slight rise in government obstruction of their cause but no real significant increase of violence from their respective governments.
I just made a movie that included research about this subject that I haven't released yet because YouTube is taking forever to review my channel.. But anyways.. According to recent research if you look into the subject of "democide" you'll find some scholars believe that yes it is the worst it has ever been in the last century. This shouldn't be too difficult to believe considering the rapidly growing populations of the world and the mass lethality of the weapons of war.
And.. I never said I thought Ghandi or MLK increased violence, not sure if you were implying I did or not? But I don't think so, I think they helped! They are both heroes of mine in their ways, though they were flawed men as well, I don't think anyone is perfect.
I'm not saying what they did was negative at all, I'm saying it wasn't enough.. We need more than an amazing civil rights leader every once and a while.. We need almost everyone to have a mindset like they are a Ghandi or a MLK or even a "Jesus".. Whoever, more people need to be their own heroes, and.. I think unfortunately.. We need to make being "good" cool. Or popular.. The more people think it's cool to help others instead of to steal and hurt from them, the better.
Once again though.. The messages these great leaders taught us are amazing and they helped so much, but.. I think more people need to actually embody those messages, cause the world is more crazy than probably ever in recorded history.
Yet at the same time.. What's difficult about this is.. Even if we are almost all peaceful and good enlightened people, what do we do about the predators? They probably like it when we don't fight back. We're easier to control that way. So there has to be some kind of balance there between.. Being peaceful and benevolent and righteous and also not letting predators prey on you or others.
It is a tough line and a tough nut to crack, and no I was not implying that you thought MLK or Gandhi were responsible for an increase in violence.
I think I brought that up as side effect, though temporary one, of the response of their respective governments toward them.
I still think that it only takes individuals, people willing to step out from society temporarily to effect great changes in society. Society is never going to solve the problems of society, that is all I am saying.
That is what I am saying, society can not fix that issue. Because then they become the predator. The individuals need to step out from society and solve the problem. Society will not and can not solve it. Society is in truth the schizophrenic portion of the problem They see themselves as Peaceful, when the reality is anything but, society is always at war with the individual, and with other societies.
I'm sure you are getting tired like me, maybe one day we will all be able to sit down and solve the worlds problems, but I don't think society will accept the solution. So for this thread, I'll read your response and then move on to the next piece of thinking enlightenment you present.
The brain is the most cunning thing we humans have and it creates all the chaos around us, we have to train it if we really want to see a change. Forcefulness will not help but only watchful training will do.
So.. If someone was being hurt you would just watch? You wouldn't try to force the aggressor to stop?
I am not talking about injustice. Injustice is intolerable. I will surely act to stop it.