My new theory about Jesus and the Crucifixion.

in #philosophy7 years ago

My new theory is that if Jesus was a real historical figure, that he didn't die at the Cruxifiction.
And I know I'm not the only person out there to suggest this, I've read about it for years.
Yet.. The other day when researching Apollonius who was a Jesus like figure I came across this FASCINATING quote by Manly P Hall a very respected person for his knowledge in the occult world.

I'm not saying it's true just cause Manly P Hall said it, but.. I tend to lean in the direction that he is right or close to right when he's talking about occult related things.
He seems like one of the wisest who has shared this kind of stuff more with the public.
And the quote is..

"It has been claimed that Apollonius of Tyana was initiated into the Arcanum of Egypt in the Great Pyramid, where he hung upon a cross until unconscious and was then laid in the tomb for three days. While his body was unconscious, his soul was thought to pass into the realms of the immortals (the place of death) After it had vanquished death (by recognizing that life is eternal) it returned again to the body, which then rose from the coffer, after which he was hailed as a brother by the priests, who believed that he had returned from the land of the dead. This concept was, in substance, the teaching of the Mysteries." (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Reader's Edition) p. 183)

So.. He's basically saying that at the same time Jesus existed there were also occult initiations that involved sort of the same thing that was claimed in the bible in regards to... Being hung on a cross, being laid in a tomb and then coming back to life three days later.
Coincidence??? I highly doubt it. I guess it's possible this could have existed side by side the story of Jesus actually happening.. But.. I really doubt it..
I think more and more that.. The whole story of Jesus being crucified and dying and being reborn in three days was representative of an occult practice at the time.

What's amazing is how they seemed to have.. Publicized one of their occult initiations to the public in form of a fictional story that led such a HUGE amount of the population down an alternature exoteric path that was so different from the inner esoteric version..
This is something that is sort of common in the occult world, for example.. Most of the major sports in the US have occult roots, like Baseball and Basketball are highly masonic in origin yet most people don't have a clue about that.
So.. In a sense with the Jesus public story it's sort of similar in that.. When someone highly initiated reads the story of Jesus they see something much different than the average church going or bible reading person!

I mean.. This is similar to how a lot of modern movies are done as well.. You go to the movie theater and you watch something like Star Wars or whatever and most regular people are watching one story, while those in the occult world who have the eyes to see are watching a WHOLE different story.
They're essentially the same story, but.. Fragmented based on the information of the observer.
I think perhaps this is one of the power multipliers the occult uses to remain in power. The duality extended into comparmentalization.
For how could there be an inner, hidden wisdom..? If there were not outer exoteric public one?
Without this splintering of the human consciousness into two different groups, they wouldn't be able to thrive like they do.

This further confirms to me that there are a lot of hidden interesting things in the bible, but they're not often what the public at large thinks.
There's secret hidden meanings behind much of the stories that you can only understand if you're at least somewhat well versed in the occult and the hidden knowledge that has been passed down among these groups for thousands of years.
And.. I'm not privy to a lot of that either, I am only scratching the surface as an outside observation with a few windows into the secret world here and there...
Though I feel like I can say I do know enough to claim most of what I said above with a pretty high accuracy.
I really do think there is a hidden inner story to the bible, and when someone in the DEEP occult reads it (At the level of someone like Manly P Hall) they see something much different than the regular individual.

You hardcore believers in some of this stuff out there in the world need to stop looking for sheep/flock herders to herd you
Even in the bible they referred to followers of various people like Jesus as "Flocks"..
You're likely given a false story while they retain the true knowledge and they lead you around into all these wars to kill other people who believe different things about life and God, who are also being herded like flocks.. And.. It's no bueno.
I wish we could get back to original truths like ones contained in the bible like the golden rule, throw out a lot or most of that other shit.. And if you JUST and ONLY follow the golden rule.. I think the world would be a lot better!
If everyone just stopped imposing their will on others in ways in which they would not like done to them if roles were reversed.. Most of our major problems in the world would start to heal drastically.

Going to church or memorizing verses isn't going to save your soul, you already sold it if you don't follow the golden rule to the best of your ability.
Every time you engage in war or oppression of others, you do that to God. That which you ask for protection from and wage your wars in the name of, you defile with those same actions.


Oh god what interesting information.
Your theory is very logical

My father thinks exactly like you! I have grown up with my dad telling me how Jesus is an historical figure and my mum being super-catholic and I couldn't embrace both.
Now I am a confused listener :)
It is incredible how you have so many different interests (from philosophy to veganism to history!)

Oh? That's interesting. And yeah.. I tend to also find it difficult to accept the two sides of many stories out there, I tend to fall somewhere in the middle usually. Or.. So far off the map it's in woo woo land, lol.
And yeah... In regards to having a lot of interests, I think it's important to try. Life is so complex and there's so many different things to learn about it, and they almost all sort of help add to the bigger picture, so i definitely advocate learning lots of different things! You never know when it might come in handy or overlap into another area. Oftentimes I find it highly satisfying or rewarding when I find something fringe from one area that somehow ties into something fringe from another area! There's lots of little mysteries and stories if you look! :)

There have been numerous Christ-like figures in religions and texts that pre-date Christianity. There are almost no traits exclusive to Jesus Christ that can't be found in subjects in earlier texts.

Nothing is what it seems, @apolymask

You really had got goin on your mind relating theory and conspiracies lately...
I think im just gonna sit down and just read your post..My dumb head cant do much thinking anymore😂😂😂..

Interesting info btw..👍👍👍

Thanks for the feedback, glad you found the info interesting and yeah.. Conspiracy theory stuff has definitely been on my mind a lot lately! I feel like I neglected it earlier in life and now I'm trying to catch up for all the time I lost. Heh.

It always makes me think how contention history is. In the current age we have things that happened last week that we disputed. All depends on who wrote the history and in general the early history Christianity was written by people with a specific agenda. That become the history. Maybe in 2000 years Justin Bieber will be the greatest thing since chocolate ice cream because Beliebers will write the history.

nice article