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RE: Do we have free will?

in #philosophy8 years ago

I'm somewhat familiar with computer language as well so I can follow you to an extent there. In fact I liken the fabric of the universe and reality to something very similar to "programming language".

And no you can't explain how it all works cause no one can. No one can explain how it all works. We can explain certain parts of it, but not "ALL" of it.

Words change the meaning of thoughts...?
I'm not really sure I follow you there.
Words basically are thoughts, when I say elephant.. What do you think of? If you understand the word of course.. A picture of an elephant will come to your mind.. The brain thinks in PICTURES, IE SYMBOLS.. So.. Thoughts are literally pictures, pictures are a form of language.. If you can't grasp that and acknowledge it, then yes we will have to agree to disagree.


oh lol well i can say elephant easily even thinking about a lion, how many computer languages do you know, just curious. Do you understand the concept of context free Grammar? Once again just curious.