Thanks. Glad you found some use in the article. And yeah.. You're really close, if something goes down here.. You'll probably have Americans trying to flood your border like we have Mexicans. So.. You'll probably see a lot of increase in crime and stuff like that, cause.. Hell.. Americans are probably more violent and aggressive than Mexicans.. But, still.. Canada is probably going to be a bit better off than the US at least.
I'm hesitant to give advice, but.. I'd say you couldn't go wrong with have like a month or a couple months of canned food.. I'm not really a prepper or a survivalist, I don't even have a bug out bag.. But.. I should think about it more as the US is showing many signs of collapse. Especially in terms of our dollar and how much things will change if other currencies break the stranglehold we have on such.
I'd say it'd be good to learn survival skills, and to meet other likeminds in the area, where if things go bad you have some people you can meet up with that you trust.
BTW.. I am protesting.. Just not in person. I write articles and protest with movies and poetry and artwork and things.. I have my doubts I'll ever be out there breaking property and demonstrating like that, but.. I do try to speak out and voice my opinions.
I don't necessarily condemn them either, their lines were crossed, mine was too, but.. I think I will be of more help if I remain peaceful. People lose a lot of credibility when they get violent. So.. That's not my personal goal, even if I don't necessarily disagree with their choices and in some cases even applaud them for doing more than "just talking"..
Power rarely ever lets go voluntarily or without a fight, sometimes speaking out isn't enough.. And I dunno what will happen if things collapse, but.. I'll prolly be trying to survive and meet up with likeminds.
Oh also..
One of the most important things is to just educate yourself and others more, information is critically important. Many of these problems arise cause people don't know what's going on, so if you know stuff.. Share it with others, help them out. :)