The meaning of KKK? And some etymology/thoughts on the "arc of the covenant".

in #philosophy8 years ago

Had some interesting discoveries last night/this morning..
Not going to go too deep right now cause I'm super tired, though I do want to write up a lil thingy..

Okay so first.. I was just in a very curious mood.. And I was looking up the etymology of various words to see what they "truly" mean, or.. "meant".
There's a buncha stuff I found but just wanna touch on TWO examples right now.
First is a bit weird, but fascinating as fuck in my opinion.

Apparently the words Ku Klux Klan originated from the same word that church did..
kuklos, kyklos, which basically means circle...
The KKK and Church have a lot more in common than I thought! Lol...
And hey.. It's not that weird right? Wasn't the KKK founded or tied in with Free Masons or other secret societies?
I'm not positive on this but I swear I read that somewhere before..
And I've seen pictures of certain occult groups that go WAY back, especially to the time around the imperial conquest of the America's.

The white robes and hoods is emblematic of secret societies, but even more than that.. I think the racial purity played a role as well..
Cause if you look back to the words of most of the founding fathers, they mostly expressed opinions of.. The "natives" were "savages" not much different than wild animals.
And quite a few, I think even Jefferson expressed a desire to totally wipe them all out.. To genocide/purge them..
So I mean.. Also.. If you look back to the whole gospels, God's Spells.. It was around this time that it is believed white people started really gaining power.

There's some information that I came across that suggests the first white pharaoh was named Christus.
It might have been around this time they really started changing things to umm.. FAVOR.. White men.
Cause after the "bi-bull" (bible) we start seeing much less tolerance for women and minorities.
It's not surprising at all when you really think about it, that.. the KKK and Church basically mean the same fucking thing.
Weird and fascinating though..

NEXT is.. The "Arc of the covenant"..
I was curious about this so I was like.. What's arc?
Basically it's a physical movement, BUT.. Also, it means ARCH. Sorta like "Archers" are "BOWMEN" BOW=ARCH same thing.
Bowing and arching is showing umm.. Loyalty to royalty or those in power.

"Covenant" means "The agreement"....
So the arc of the covenant could sorta mean.. The ARCH of the AGREEMENT.
And I'm thinking about this, and the first thing that comes to mind is the Archway into the temple of Solomon and Boaz and Jachin.
I'm less and less thinking the arc of the covenant was a real physical object, but perhaps.. It was symbolic for the initiation into Solomon's temple.
The AGREEMENT of duality, of.. Man and woman, sun and moon, hot and cold and so on so forth.
I think the ARCH of the COVENANT.. Was sort of like a metaphorical initiation into the esoteric or secret mystical and spiritual world of ancient secret societies.
And hell, one of the main reasons I say this is BECAUSE the Knights Templar were allegedly protecting the arc of the covenant IN Solomon's Temple!

It all fits in my mind, the only question is.. Was the arc actually a real physical object thing, or was it much like many of these ancient stories and myths, a.. Metaphor or allegory.



Amazing philosophy 😊

Thanks! :)

Welcome, can u follow me ? Thank u hehehe
I ready follow u @apolymask 😊

Wow. You probably should try to learn more about a subject before dissecting the objects.

Be more specific or else I can only conclude something I mentioned upset your fragile belief system.


interesting chain of thoughts. But I would try to say "kkk and church" same thing. kkk is demonic period.

I didn't say they were the same thing, I said the words for each have the same origin. And they do.

oh, i have misread

From my exploration of the topic of the Arc of the Covenant, I'm convinced that not only was it real, but it still exists today (in Ethiopia).

It is basically a huge capacitor. The details of its construction make this obvious. The tips of the wings of the "mercy seat" would exhibit an electrical arc.

There's a lot more interesting information out there, but I can't find the specific sources I was exploring.