Changing Our Opinions To Make Others Happy 🌇 Don't Let Anyone Remove Your Voice💢

in #philosophy7 years ago


Sacrificing Ones Ideals

If I were to recount the ways that we, as a species, sacrifice one ideal in favour of another, the task would overwhelm me.

I believe for the most part we become so accustomed to sacrificing our values for the fulfilment of others to even question the practice of doing so would be seen as antagonistic.

For instance, as a species, we value the lives of one another; consequently, the prohibition of killing exists in our ethical code.

Our Values Being Compromised

Yet, homicide has been sanctioned, universally, in favour of security. In alternative words, in many countries, across the globe world, capital punishment is employed as a way to punish certain offenders; many countries use deadly force to protect themselves and others.

Some see this for the very issue it is, compromising our values. They see an inconsistency, a contradiction, a deviation from that which we say we value and that which we actually value.

Conversely, the majority of individuals build exceptions for homicide; the majority believe homicide isn't only forgivable but also justifiable as a means of defence; that's to say, if they had to kill somebody else, to protect themselves, there would be no crisis of conscience.

Excuses To Form Justification?

In fact, we, as a society, don't even call killing another person to protect ourselves homicide; we call it self-defence. Likewise, we call killing other human beings in defence of our Country casualties of war.

I believe we redefine certain actions to make them morally right in our minds.

Many people are against killing animals for sport but see nothing wrong with killing animals for food.

Morals Should Be Set In Stone Instead Of Being Malleable

However, these same people would find it difficult to kill the animals they intend to eat. As we become more departmentalised and agriculture is isolated to rural areas, a lot of the meat we eat has been processed to the point it's no longer recognisable. In fact, many young kids don't understand that they're eating things which were once alive.

I believe the reason we attempt to redefine the values that must be compromised for the sake of others is that, to some extent, most of us have reservations about our actions, even if they're widely accepted.


the basic truth that people wont admit is that governments are criminal enterprises... yet they ask for more government intrusion into their lives... we have the mother of all paradoxes here

Yes you are right.. I am agreed.. The main fault is this that we ppl suport criminal governments by electing them voting then and giving them powers..

I like your post.
I upvote and resteem

Yes arckrai.. Killing in war is a murder.. I am agree on this.. Mostly innocent ppl effect from war murderd and destroyed by militry.. War make life very difficult like in yemn syria or iraq or any other country.. Ppl suffer economy suffer kids suffer everything suffer.. War destroy everything

description okay but why canT people ask their gov to stop killing? Any idea... or is it just like a roman circus with people thrown into arenas for the lions... something to chew on

people whine but secretly want war and destruction because they feel miserable

I dont think that ppl secretly want war.. Why some one will want a destructive thing? I am talking about common ppl.. Actually now ppl want peace.. They are tired from continuous war and destruction.. War usualy result of some secret crown games playing by giovernments.. Like in yemen war..

I am very aware of all dark agendas out there... just drop my blog and you will see. I meant that war has a psychological effect: making people feel miserable and vain...thats the goal of mind control too

Yes you are right.. God bless all of us

Very motivational