Should You Forgive In Every Situation? 🙇

in #philosophy7 years ago

Should You Forgive Somebody That Does Wrong?

At some stage in our lives, we are going to make mistakes, and all of us want to be forgiven. If you hear somebody say that they can not forgive, does that imply that we'll not be forgiven if we make any mistakes or is it just some reckless, inattentive sentence some people throw around and should you actually forgive someone who does you wrong?

There are many people who may find the healing process even harder than the actual tragedy. The process of healing and lamenting is one that cannot be skipped or sped up. Its painful nature can cause you to want to escape and move toward becoming a new person. some people try this path. However, they merely prolong the inevitable. You can only hide for so long, and you'll have to confront it.

Forgiveness: A Way To Heal The Wounds Or Make Them Deeper?

However, forgiveness isn't something that just happens. Some assume that it's relieving to discharge their outrage whereas others think of the thought as appalling. Although most do realise how to advance in life, forgiveness eludes them. This does not make them indecent beings; this merely means that the lamenting and healing process has not actually finished.

Forgiveness originates from within. It's not something which can be feigned. You either can or cannot do it. If you can't, then do not assume that you are a bad person or that you just have somehow failed. At times, forgiveness is not possible. You'll learn to not despise the wrongdoer, but saying that you forgive the individual could also be false if that isn't your true feelings. Do not concede to peer pressure. Try not to say sorry to other when you do not truly mean it.

Forgiving the person in this circumstance will not cause you to feel better nor will it make your life any easier. On the other hand, forgiving somebody is not about making your life easier. The reasoning of the forgiveness is to make the person in question feel better.

In Certain Circumstances, We Should Forgive

Regardless of what kind of tragedy you face, in the end, you will need to experience the healing and lamenting period. It's going to be hard to hit bottom. However, you will come back to understand that climbing out of that pit is equally as hard.

There are some who forgive to remove guilt and negative tensions off their shoulders, and it becomes a catalyst for healing. They're going to say and mean the words sincerely, and for them, this improved their lives. However, others cannot bring themselves to forgive as they see no means within which it will present them with any relief. Such people are truthful concerning their feelings, and, in the end, honesty is the best policy.


Being able to free yourself having those negative emotions in the body and forgiving is definitely a huge step to healing oneself. Great post.