Sleep Paralysis⛄️ When Dreams Become A Little Too Real💢

in #philosophy7 years ago


What Happens During A Period Of Sleep Paralysis?

The main symptom of sleep paralysis is being utterly conscious of your surroundings however temporarily being unable to manoeuvre or speak. This typically happens as you are waking up, but can happen when falling asleep.

My Own Experiences

I get this periodically. The most fascinating are the hallucinations. For the longest time, I used to be not conscious of what was happening. Therefore I accepted them as real. I still get lots of stress and try to move. However, i feel I've developed some kind of instinct where I perceive I am hallucinating at least.

The lack of movement still bothers me a lot although calming down and relaxing makes it go a lot easier. I will still persuade myself I am moving and have gotten my legs off the bed, however, once I awaken, I am in the same position. From what I've read you regain movement slowly, and that I assume, I sense this as I gain slight movement in my fingers and feet.

Near Death Experiences In My Dream World

Every now and then, I will awaken in a sweat. Like I will simply frantically sit up, gasping for breath. My vision is all foggy, I feel like I can not breathe, and everything may be a dull grey for about 10 seconds.

I'll typically lie there for an hour afterwards, simply making an attempt to work out what it was that scared me enough to wake me up, and then eventually falling back asleep.

Has This Ever Happened To You?

Usually happens one or twofold a year. It is not that usual. The last one was a while over the summer, wherever I at random woke around four in the morning and virtually screamed.

Have any of you had a lucid dream? If so be sure to let me know as I wonder what happens in the minds of others from time to time.


Old hag syndrome. I personally had a lot when I was little I had the idea that at that moment they were going to scare me and I really had visions of little devils today I got a bit of laugh that one day one of those visions was not for nothing terrifying and it never happened to me again. Have a great day @arckrai.

Definitely seems more terrifying than what I had.
At least it doesn't happen as much anymore

I've had dreams that something bad was about to happen. Many times I have woken myself up gasping for air, and sometimes I'd hear a whimper, which ended up coming from me. Have found myself crying upon waking too. Last one I had was just a few weeks ago. I dream't that my son and I got kidnapped, and I bribed the abductors into training us to be their assassins. Then my alarm went off, pulling me out of it. All that day, I felt as if I were still in dream state. It was like I wasn't in my own body.

For me is the first time I know about it, thank you for the info :)

Let's see if you will ever experience it in the future haha

first steps in o.o.b.e. :) technique for doing it conciously in bed is to relax all the muscles so the body goes to sleep and mind remains active in waking state. Fun way to travel. That's the video you'll want2watch.

Happy journeys!

Muslims believe in the creation of two kind of intelligent beings, mankind and jinn. The jinn are made of smokeless fire and are part of the unseen world, they live with us here on earth but we can't see them, they do have certain abilities like possessing people, taking the form of a deceased person (ghosts) or taking the form of animals like snakes and dogs, they can also give you nightmares that seem very real and can also paralyse you. I have experienced both the nightmares and paralysis, the paralysis is definitely the worst thing I've experienced in my life, thankfully it only happened twice. As muslims we're taught that the Quran is a protection from all evil in this world and when you read surah al-Baqarah the jinn flees from your house, maybe it can help you if you played it in your house.