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RE: The Problem of Good: Why I'm Skeptical of Good People - And What it's Like to be "Evil"

in #philosophy8 years ago

Wow great post! Steemit is the perfect platform for you as, speaking from my own experience at least, Steemit members value honesty and integrity in all its forms. You bring up things that most are scared or uncertain to talk about but know deep down are true. You remind me a little of Isaiah Berlin who often talked about clever double speak and labeling as a form of control in society as well as the dangers it would have on free speech and particularly on freedom itself when the talks about the two forms of freedom -negative and positive. I think you are not alone as signs, albeit subtle, show that the world is becoming tired or political correctness and prefer to have brutal plain truth. Trump seems to represent this in one way. I pretty much agree with your assessment of the matter, indeed I particularly choose my friends for their quality of telling me straight rather than pussy footing around. I value someone´s honest opinion far more than their polite one whether it be brutal or not. Although I find it is not necessary to insult some for the sake of being able to do so. All that does is create conflict rather than intelligent conversation. This is why I hate, the term "lol" when it is used as a derogatory or mocking way of attack. I find it disrespectful and quite frankly all it tells me is that this person has run out of intelligent things to say. I once had a conversation on FB wth a Muslim guy regarding the conflict in Syria. I was ultra careful with my choice of words, and yes, just as you say, I can see now I was in one sense abiding to the political correct unwritten rule. But even so it seemed no matter how careful I was this guy kept on insulting an insulting me calling me am Assad hater, even though I made it clear I was in favor of Assad being placed back into power. After a while I realized the guy was angry and basically taking his anger out on me just because I was not a Muslim thus I was never going to get my point across never my cross so I just gave up. Surely one can have a brutally honest discussion without using insulting words. Throwing insults is just a stone fight, eventually a stone will hit someone in the eye and all that happens is that person will become blind in one eye and respond by throwing an even bigger stone back. I welcome your approach. Cheers, very interesting.