What a fantastic article!
I must be honest and admit that I did investigate upvoting my own comments but I soon realised that it seemed like a silly thing to do.
I do upvote my own posts though. Have a fallen into the "but everyone else does it" trap with that too? Should one be upvoting one's own posts?
One thing I would like to mention though is that in some third world countries the income you talk of from self upvoting comments could be considered reasonable could it not?
In those cases it would be very difficult to convince someone to stop eating so they can concentrate on building their reputation in order to earn more in the future.
P.S. I have not upvoted this comment :-)

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Hey @atomcollector I've seen you making your rounds, you get it... you've been interacting amazingly with musicians, leaving supportive comments... I think you got it very early in the game actually.
I'm confident you are going to make a good splash on Steem, you got a good head on your shoulders... (I caught many open mic entries with your comments on them)
Regarding upvoting your own post... I've recently stopped even that.. it honestly makes no difference, and i rather give my VP to someone I support and care for... I don't ask for upvotes, I never have and probably never will... and its not like I make a killing, I don't but.. this.. whats happening right now this interaction, this tiny conversation... this is more valuable than me sending SBD's to any bot and buying my own best writer trophy.
Thanks for stopping by
Edit.- Third world countries.. i guess you make a point, but the math would also be very different, what the chances one of our brothers from Venezuela would buy 200SP to get their little upvote farm started... Not impossible, just not likely... on the other hand the open mic has some amazing artist making much more than that sharing their love for music... so i think this remains relevant... imho
You certainly do have a lot more to offer than your upvote. Things more valuable than an upvote by far. Like real interaction and your energy. Priceless stuff really.
thank you for reading Senpai! :)
Thank you for your kind comments. As far as I am concerned Steemit is no different than the real work - if you approach things from the "what can I get out of it" viewpoint then it's futile and unrewarding.
I played with a few vote bots early on as they look like they are part of the system when you first sign up and I like to try things to understand how they work. I don't use them anymore.
I will now consider not upvoting my own posts after reading this.
Thanks again for your support!
It's amazing the number of people who'd delegate two hundred SP to those brothers in Venezuela to develop a loyal following of people who will up vote them.
Bots are not going to go away since it's basically a business now offered by those with the influence to sell influence, like they say profits over integrity.
This also is not a decentralized platform, people need to get over that. In a decentralized platform power is distributed equally among all, no one holds more voting power over another, there would also be no need for witnesses. Steemit is a privately owned company. I suggest you look them up and read up on them then educate yourself on what a centralized and decentralized system in business really is.
Look at this... you made a lot more from one comment than your own self upvote!!!! its the magic of being a good Steemian... interacting the right way....
That's the math that is hard to see...
This is honestly a great example of your philosophy at work lol
Personally, I'm of the opinion that you should upvote what you genuinely think brings the most to the community. If you feel your post is one of the best things you've seen on Steemit all day, then give it an upvote. However, most comments are not really "worthy" of being a "top 20 thing you've seen today!" caliber upvote.
If I ever do a really really informative comment that I spend hours on, I may toss it an upvote , but for casual discussions like these, I think upvotes should be saved for good other peoples good posts or other peoples informative comments.
It's a shame you have to wait until you get to 500 SP before you get the slider. Since I had it I do a lot more upvoting as I can decide how much weight I want to give something. If someone has even spent the time to read and comment constructively on one of my posts or even a comment then I think it's worth a small upvote as a sign of my appreciation.
I think upvoting your own posts can be okay. You worked hard on it. I don't upvote my own very often because I'm interested in the value that others see in my work, but I think it's acceptable. At least, while your vote is smaller. If you have a $200 upvote or something, I personally feel it's wrong morally, but to each his own..
$200 upvote! :-) One day!
Thank you @kodaxx you are too kind!
Exactly, people in third world countries going hungry a penny is everything to them.