Vagueness is my enemy, observe:
Past experiences are a source of wisdom, but judgments give false wisdom because they do not see the situation for what it really is.
Why? and How? Asserting vacuous nonsense is my judgement, and it doesn't draw from "past experiences" but simple logic of if a is b and b is c than a is c.
Judgments also say that the next experience will be the same as the last experience. This is the same as saying that nothing has been learned, and also that there is nothing to learn that could change things for the better.
Why does judgement say that? and how?
Judgments are rigid thought forms attached to the thinker. If you judge your experiences rather than understanding and accepting them, you lock the energy into rigid patterns of perception that take your focus away from what could help you grow.
Actually, it depends on how you judge or discern your past experiences, it's not by default that you are a harsh critic of your past, and being a harsh critic doesn't exclude accepting and understanding.
Each time the judgment is made again, and the emotions around it remain unmoved, or intensify, the thought form intensifies. For example, 'Tm not a nice person," is a judgment and a label in place of compassion and introspection that could realize why you could have this judgment against yourself
Except that we saw above that judgement is clearly weaponized and used to mean that discerning people as NOT NICE are actually a discernment about oneself and not used the correct sense of judgement in any of its definitions, judgement has a bad connotation because it's tied to Law and the rigidity of those Reason and Definition centered institutions, which the feeble minded are recoiling from, REASON! you want me to JUDGE for myself!?
It all makes sense now, the reason the world is so fucked up is that it's all a reflection of myself, I better stop projecting.