What is your purpose ?
I am fortunate to work consistently with people pursuing their whole person healing from the prison of the addictive self. Within the cyclical mind of the addict there is solace in the knowledge that every day is a new opportunity to make new choices, whether it be to chase the dragon or chase the dream.
I consider each person to have an addictive self.
At times, the addiction of choice is one driven towards the discovery of true self. To be humbled by the lessons that life brings. To be honest with feelings and to be willing to surrender to the quiet inner mind that whispers about loving morals.
At times, the addiction of choice is one that forsakes all others. It is driven towards self satisfaction at the risk of those around the addictive behaviours. This leads to separation, isolation and victimization.
What do you desire ?
You choose to be what you feed.
Through words, actions, and behaviours
Through avoidance, confrontation and indecision.
My most worthwhile journeys have been those where I am willing to look at myself when I feel triggered by a person or event outside of myself. This mirror envelopes me in purpose and direction. I move IN and WITHIN in order to streamline this process towards acceptance.
Perfection is in the willingness to heal imperfections.
Perfectly Imperfect
And when you know that you are the one who stands between the decision to pursue happiness, don't be afraid to go out on the limb of vulnerability. We all need that safe place where we can be honest with our intentions.
Thanks for sharing this thought providing piece ...Very nice post @basicbeing
I am grateful for your support ! I will be responding to your email very soon !
thanks dear...i also updated also some good episodes and many natural remedies... your well informed comments and advises will be needed... thanks
nice post @basicbeng.
it's useful for me.
This words makes me excited. this is life.
Perfection is in the willingness to heal imperfections.
Perfectly Imperfect
And when you know that you are the one who stands between the decision to pursue happiness, don't be afraid to go out on the limb of vulnerability. We all need that safe place where we can be honest with our intentions.
Thank you ! The dawning of each day can be so exciting! :)
wooow, good job @basicbeing ;)
Thank you ! Often I feel compelled to write these thoughts out. It goes beyond a need, it is a necessity to share these moments of hope :)
And one of the main problems is that addictions can't be reasoned with. Logic is all well and good, but ultimately, the only real cure for any addiction is an opposing, more powerful emotion. Or to build a parallel addiction to something mutually exclusive and hopefully positive.
Nice post @basicbeing. "You can't defeat the demon you enjoy playing with", that is a powerful and often very true statement.
Thank you ! An interesting concept to consider, I believe as well :)
True words, thank you!
Thank you for sharing this reminder for me. Sometimes we fall back in the old habits and beliefs so it’s good to stumble across reminders like this.
Thank you for sharing ! I feel like the more we can talk about what we want, the less we will fall back into what we don't
Feel like you are already have what you desire is what makes it happen for me.
Thank you for your reply en keep spreading your knowledge about this topic it will inspire a lot of people
Peace ✌️Love ❤️ And Unity
xxx UnityEagle 🦅
1 word motivating.
Thank you ! My one word is gratitude :)
Hi, interesting that you define addiction as a pathology - you might be interested in some relatively recent sociology on this - Anthony Giddens (1991) argued that 'addiction' is actually a coping strategy which people adopt because of the uncertainties which arise with a globalised postmodern society.
His basic argument is that because nothing social is stable anymore people are forced back on themselves in an attempt to find something solid and certain - and people find many different things - it might be collecting things - shoes, experiences, likes, for example, or it might be fundamentalist- becoming THE most extreme person - a body builder or a terrorist are essentially the same here.
And I think yer right, the challenge is to learn to be comfortable with letting go of all of this and embracing uncertainty. HOW we do that and how society adapts to cope with it is one the central challenges of our times.
I just thought you might like a bit of socio-historical perspective on where we fit into all of this.
Finally, Giddens suggests that joining New Social Movements is a suitable antidote to the 'dislocated self' - because then we root ourselves in something but then still have a forward-purpose.
Just my tuppence worth.
Thank you for your thoughts ! It is the case that addiction is treated as a pathology, one that can never be cured. I see addiction as a sequence of behaviour due to motivation and so I am extremely interested in the perspective you share. My experience is that addictive self can be both productive and destructive, depending on the lesson one is meant to receive from their choices. I wonder if perhaps you can explain more about how the bodybuilder and the terrorist are similar ? For me, my pursuit of my dislocated self leads me to connect with the globalised postmodern society in a way that is intended to join and support in pursuit of higher truths.
you are a good writer..
Thank you ! :)
It's amazing how big our diets play into addiction! I remember once but an oz of some dank ass ganja, only to buy a guide to quit smoking weed the next day.
Needless to say, it was a difficult month, and I was fighting myself every step of the way.
One thing it did mention, is that smoking weed produces the metabolites in the blood stream, that essentially make us crave more weed.
A detoxifying diet can rapidly rid your body of such compounds, making quitting easier!
There's also a great book called the Slight Edge, that gives a great strategy for swapping out bad habits with good ones.
I highly recommend that book for anyone struggling with addiction.
We just need to get addicted to the right thing ;)
Nice post :)
Thank you for your suggestion ! Addictive self is a powerful source that can be channeled into healing medicines and must be considered at times a wild beast that must be tamed and shown a new way. ;)