Truthseekers decoding the Matrix: Seeking universal truth trough numbers and symbols

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

As many have noticed, the internet is filling up with a lot of noise. Never were there so many things to believe in. One has to be armed with a big noise filter to not be dragged into one of the many crazy conspiracies flying around our ears these days.

You can see this as a negative thing, but what I like about it is that it triggers the mind to re-think and motivates to create a personal truth.
On the socialwebsz there is a growth of creative individuals, creating their own personal truth systems, inspired by ancient spiritual believe systems. They reflect on patterns they discover and create their own interpretation.
All these people have things in common, in the end they working with the same thing; unraveling the mystical forces behind the creation of our reality. They navigate on the border of pseudo-science and fiction.

In this article I summarize a few of these individuals that I think are inspiring. People can argue whatever they want, if the theories are scientifically correct or not. The truth is in the relation between the theories.
The synchronicity between the theories are fascinating, from modern Quantum physics to the Quadrivium
Are you ready for the red pill?

Richard Merrick - Interference Theory (Free book)

Harmonic Interference Theory represents a major breakthrough in our understanding of music and perception. Triggered by a moment of insight thirty years earlier, this theory explains how harmonics combine to form coherent geometrical patterns that our auditory system recognizes as simple shapes. 

Using a spectral analysis of harmonic interference over an octave, the author shows how reflective patterns on vibrated surfaces can be found in the growth patterns of the human anatomy, particularly our ears and brain. From this simple correspondence, perception of music is then explained as the natural process of anticipating and matching harmonic interference patterns against identical structures in our auditory system. When represented visually, music becomes organic geometries floating inside a harmonically structured space - exactly as our ears and brain understand it. 

But this is only the beginning. The author goes much further to show how everything in nature can be described as crystallized harmonics. Drawing on the latest scientific research and cutting-edge theories in the fields of genetics, quantum physics and cosmology, a unified harmonic model is proposed for the study of coherence on both a micro and macro scale. Out of this emerges a grand scientific musical theory that reintegrates ancient harmonic science with quantum physics to explore the deeper mysteries neither can answer alone. 

Kelvin Abraham - Tetryonics a new age in Scientific Understanding. This new Quantum Model of the Universe gives us immediate access to clean, limitless energy as harmful stockpiles of radioactive Matter are converted into radiant heat and light - replacing older carbon fuelled power plants and meeting the energy needs of growing countries while at the same time reducing our carbon footprint on this planet dramatically.

A doorway into the future has opened, it is up to us to dare peer through it and take our first steps into a new age of Humanity for all – where our Energy and resource needs can and will be met, and where we can strive together for the betterment of all species on Earth.

 Marko Rodin - Vortex Based Mathematics

Mathematics as we know it today is only a tool to symbolize quantities. Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) is completely different because it is a dynamic math that shows the relationships and thus the qualities of numbers rather than the quantities.  

Ian Clemmer - SuperFormula

Superflow, an audio-visual journey into the world of digital harmony, is a 100-page Bachelor Thesis with 12 accompanying computer animations completed in July 2010 by Ian Clemmer .
The thesis introduces the discovery of the Superflow algorithm and describes the modified mathematical formula Polarflow. Quantumflow emerges while programming and developing these two concepts into a node-based particle system plugin. Inspired by John and James White to find harmony in visual art, Ian further analyzes the relationship of musical theory applied to the visual arts. 

Anthony Morris - New Understandings

We don’t have to believe, we can know.

The Numerical Universe sets out to show that there exists a primordial, numerical, geometric and musical structure to the Universe. The proposal is simply that there is only order in the universe; that there is no chaos and that we are not all here by virtue of some incredible stroke of luck. The universe is instead shown to be the effect produced by a perfectly balanced, always in equilibrium, numerical order, inherent to the decimal system of numbers 0 to 9.

Jain Mathemagics 108

Teacher and author of 30 fascinating books, the first ten were beautifully hand-written in calligraphy, and 10 unique dvds; Jain has always been drawn to the spiritual and mystical. His work with Rapid Mental Calculation (or Vedic Mathematics, a 2,500 year old Indian system of Mental Arithmetic)... empowers students to perform mental calculations, in many cases quicker than a calculator.

Chad Adams - Swinging on Spirals

 There is an undeniable connection to Harmonics and the Golden Ratio of Phi that reaches far into our past. It was discovered when I began seeing similarities in the Extended Fibonacci Sequences and the Pythagorean Tetractys with Plato’s Lambda numbers.

Harmonic spirals in motion, the source of Geometry and Time.

Scott Onstott - Secrets in plain sight

Finding meaningful patterns in the world at all scales has deepened and transformed my worldview from assuming that I am separate from a lifeless universe, to knowing that the universe is alive and we are that vital awareness. 

Marshall Lefferts - Cosmometry

Cosmometry is the study and application of the fundamental patterns, structures, processes and principles that are at the foundation of all manifestation in the Universe, both physical and metaphysical. In its essence, cosmometry is about energy and consciousness. Read more in the Introduction and Thesis article to the right.

Jon Depew - Coral Castle Code


My name is Jon De'Pew and in the year 2003 and after a long journey of searching and resisting the urge to give up numerous times, I have discovered a visual symbol or better said A visual "Mathematical Formula" and I have been sharing it with everyone ever since. It is the "Mathematical formula for creation" .

Joe Dubs 

Through sacred geometry, ancient cosmology, and natural philosophy, the universe is shown to be an intelligent design, far from cosmic coincidence. This gnosis, once occult, is now resurfacing and cognizant to many.

By exploring the quadrivium, esoteric concepts alchemically transmute into exoteric knowledge. Read on as we explore the nature of reality, purge materialism from the collective unconscious, and return harmony to the Noosphere.

Frank Bovenkamp - MicroVita

Microvita and Energy exist "on the silver lining between matter and Abstract". Right at that boundary, waves do exist but can no longer be seen independent from their original cause, nor can both be seen at the same time*. This inavoidable configuration, or Swabhava, is what causes the bifurcation and as a consequence, mind - the vast ocean of relative time and space, and all conditional states, appearing from moment to moment. Hence, in terms of classical analysis, that silver lining between matter and Abstract must be of infinite complexity, and any deeper, more comprehensive understanding can only come throught the process of siddhi, in the realm of Knowing and pure Enjoyment. 


Please share any other ressources that you think are fitting. If people like this I can make another list.


"They reflect on patterns they discover and create their own interpretation."

I think that's the key point. These are just interpretations. While the images are fascinating to look at, they don't really tell anything that science/math hasn't already explained, if people just cared enough to educate themselves. I've had to debunk "mod 9" analysis two times in a week already.

Ah the titles are links. Where is your debunking article ? :)

No article, just random slack chats. Maybe I should write an article about it, so I don't have to repeat myself all the time :)

Go for it :) im curious. Which slacks are you discussing those things?

This was on the BitNation Slack ( There's a #vibe_team channel that might interest you, "To make frequencies come alive in math, art, music and beyond."

What an amazing post. I'm particularly excited to read more on New Understandings and Cosmometry. Thank you for a wonderful compilation!

Glad you like it :)

These topics have fascinated me for 20 years now, you have a new follower :)

I hope to put out some deeper philosophical content soon, I can only hope to aspire to this level of quality. Thank you for such a quality post!

I'm curious if you have read or have opinions on the gnosis material from tom at

Thank you very much for this collection, tons of new stuff to explore.

Thanks a lot,what a genial idea to start a philosophic debate with such a rich compilation,bravo! If by chance they'll be enough clever and interested individuals we could promote thanks to your iniciative smart thinktank structure.

Primo! 👌

Amazing curation job & summaries. (gonna take a while to sink my teeth into all these, though fascinating stuff!) Thoroughly impressed. :-)