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RE: Decipher You: Episode 33 Live, Interesting Breaks Format Over Trump's Syria Brinksmanship

in #philosophy7 years ago

If Bernie or Gill would have been voted as president, then this still would have happened right?

I don't like Donald, but I doubt if Bernie or Gill could have stopped any of this.

It's just horrible that innocent people are being bombed just so that a few bullshitters can fill their corrupt pockets.

Dear American friends, your government is a bunch of evil killers. It's just sad.

I think I was kind of correct with this article.

And it is kinda scary how easy it was to write that article.

In a way it feels bad to make fun of this shit, but for me it's a way of dealing with this bullshit. And I just hope I opened a few peoples eyes by using the satirical approach.


Gill? a world with peace doesn't need a weapons industry, yea satire can be important my friend!!

yes Gill, hehe

If She would be president then the deepstate still would have bombed Syria.
The US gov. is as weird a tribe of Bonobo monkees...

yea, it is interesting this world we live in, hope steem is going well for you!!

its a jungle out there...

a bonobo jungle.

.....Can you do me a favour? Please 'screw' me before i 'screw' you

yea seems like they are trying to make it a dog eat dog world with little trust outside of trust to government, media and elites

dog eat dog, monkey screw monkey...
what is the law doing? In all of my life i have not seen the law as powerless at it is right now