Enjoying your questionings, let's go a little deeper.
I think we should strive to be as truthful as possible.
This is accurate at first glance. From experience, sometimes telling truth invokes resistance and disbelief possibly due to cognitive dissonance and/or an ingrained avoidance of straying from acceptance of the status quo.
Are we robbing a person of their freedom and free will when we lie?
Truth may well be the ultimate freedom looking from our highest realized perspective.
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Hello @bilbop! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this. It's been something I find my mind going to quite a bit these last few weeks and more so, wondering how much we are damaged or how much we damage another when we lie. That seems an important thing to talk about, well, at least in my mind it does.
Ahh yes, cognitive dissonance is a thing, isn't it? But, I think we have to view that in a specific light. It doesn't always result in attitude incongruity but it can sometimes, in those magical moments we can't anticipate nor control, results in a changed and new belief! So, I will assert that we need to remain optimistic in our truthful exchanges for good results. And as always: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst scenario, right?
There does not seem to be a lot of truth these days. The culture of "Me" seems to be very prevalent and hard to penetrate. I am recalling in my mind a Sam Harris quote that seems relevant to what you posted: “If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” ~Sam Harris It does present a challenge doesn't it? But truth seems a more important ideal than people's comfort levels doesn't it?
I agree with your mind. ; ) This conversation is important and needs to be discussed with optimistic solutions on our minds also. The culture of "Me" is possibly resultant from cultural conditioning via mass media using subliminals or ???. I remain optimistic even though I get eye rolls or some just walk away even when logic or evidential proof is revealed. Truth is more important than people's comfort level but as you said hard to penetrate.
From a conspiratorial viewpoint, some insight may be seen about high culture vs popular culture at 00:50 - 01:36 time on Paul Joseph Watson youtube 'the truth about popular culture' (Please be aware this video is NSFW) To me this provided some insight as to where our present culture may have its beginnings around 100 years ago.
Thanks for the recommendations @bilbop and the NSFW warning. Much appreciated for that one! ;)