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RE: Are You Smart or Wise?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Fantastic post @hr1 I agree with your responses. As for me I would say wisdom is about doing the right thing and knowing what that is. Making the more ethical decision and reaction. I am called an old soul because I always do what's "right" and go deep into the reason of why it is better for your overall life, mankind, ect. That is where I see the difference in wisdom and intelligence is just the common correct answer, the status quo if you will.

Great post I loved this and I love wisdom! :)


That's a good point that ethics also come into play here..

@hr1 Thank You for your kindness and STEEMIT Wisdom, The Bunker Lady and I appreciate it.

Yea I believe so. I actually just did a "wisdom" type post you can see HERE... Would love to hear your thoughts. Keep these great posts coming though my friend!

Thank you, I have followed you. I will be making a series of post soon on three kinds of wisdom,So enlightening @hr1 really there is definitely a distinction between wisdom and intelligence, I for a person agree with your definition of wisdom as the application of knowledge,i think there is an extra to that, I see wisdom as a force that propels the individual to apply his knowledge. You know most people say knowledge is power but always stand to debunk that school of thought by saying applied knowledge is power, because one can have knowledge of a thing to cause a tremendous Change in his life and maybe even society and never acts on it. But the one who act his knowledge to change the course of events is wise and that is wisdom.

dear @hr1 i am waiting for your new articles. your papers are great brother. I'll been glad to see and upvote ur new artticles. thanks bro! peace

Thank you so much @hr1

You always upvoted my posts.
But, whenever I want to show gratitude to you, by upvoting you or by resteem your post.
I really wanna say thank you so much..:)

I agree with you #bitdollar (That's the difference between me and my husband #fitzgibbon... I'm wise, he's smart...)

Must admit, there is some truth to that, oh wisest and fairest lady

Wow, that's wise dear husband!

Haha wisdom is great! :)

I agree with @bitdollar! Ethics are a huge part of how we use our wisdom! We could be brilliant, but still be an asshole. If we use our wisdom in a servants heart kind of way we always get it back... Without even expecting. @hr1... This is a really sold share! I like what you said about adapting behaviors. Very thought provoking! Thanks so much for this!