Serenity In Awakening

in #philosophy8 years ago

What if an event occurred in your life that caused you to question everything you thought was true? What if you were faced with the overwhelming task of determining reality without any frame of reference? How would you react? How would you cope? How would you keep your sanity? How would find serenity in awakening?

Truth is subjective in one sense because we base, in a large part, our perception of reality on things that may not actually be true, but we merely believe them to be. There is an ultimate truth however, an absolute truth, an undeniable truth that stands apart from our perception. Absolute truth is simply ‘that which is’. Absolute truth can only be ascertained upon the open and objective examination of ALL available information. As omnipotence lies far beyond our grasp, it is impossible to ever fully realize the absolute truth about anything. This is not to say we shouldn't strive for it, however. The closer our perception of truth encroaches on reality, the more enlightened we become.

Indeed, our entire purpose as human beings developing our individuality should be a relentless and dauntless trek into the light of truth. As we learn and grow, and take in more and more information, we can progress to this end. The more knowledge and wisdom in our inventory, the closer we sojourn to this pinnacle of our existence. This should be the driving force of our existence; to spiral out and compound what we learn in an infinite journey of discovery. Discovery of our individuality, our uniqueness, and discovery of this incredible expanding universe and existence we have been gifted.

It is through this process that we truly become self aware. It is through this awareness of self that we realize our individual weaknesses, our strengths, and it is by our individual journeys that those traits in our personality are exploited and tested. As we recognize those weaknesses, we can address them, make changes, make corrections, and try to better ourselves. As we recognize our strengths, we can hone them, implement them, and use them to help build ourselves up as well as those around us.

This journey will never end, in this life and the many yet to come. Spring comes and the tree buds, summer comes and the leaves and fruit flourish, fall comes and fruit falls to the ground, winter comes and the tree "dies" for the winter. This is the cycle of life, not just for trees, but for us as well. And though these bodies may wither when “winter” comes in our lives, our infinite souls will remain and spring will come again for us to proceed.

There is a paradigm shift coming that will ultimately shatter our foundations. Things we thought were true, things we thought were surely false, and premises we based our reality on will eventually be stripped away from us. Our perceptions will change, our priorities will change, our entire concept of reality will crumble and blow away like dust in the wind. For some this shift has been underway for a long time. For others it will come upon them suddenly.

I see this awakening proceeding in society right now, and I have no doubts that it will continue to burgeon as we are dragged farther down this very dark path we are currently on. My wish is that this information will help you to remain anchored in the storms to come, and that even in the midst of incredible turmoil, we can all find and hold serenity. Fear is a powerful tool of control over the minds of mankind, and our freedom can only be maintained by remaining calm and objective.


The inception point of awakening for any person is the same no matter who you talk to. It is an inkling, a feeling that something is not quite right in the world.

In my case, as part of the high school debate team, I was given an exercise that would challenge my entire paradigm. As a conservative Christian back then, I was asked to debate, back-to-back, the pro side of gun control and the con side of marijuana control. As these viewpoints were juxtaposed to my personal beliefs at the time, it was especially challenging to basically form arguments against myself. But more than that, during the process of developing those arguments, it really was the first step in shattering my entire paradigm. As I began to structure each argument, point by point, I realized that I was using doublethink.


  • Guns should be regulated and controlled because they are dangerous.
  • Marijuana can be dangerous, but it should not be regulated and controlled because individuals should have the freedom to regulate their own behavior.

But wait a minute, I was a Christian conservative. I believed guns could be dangerous, but they should not be regulated and controlled because individuals should have the freedom to regulate their own behavior. I believed marijuana should be regulated and controlled because it was dangerous. But marijuana and guns are just inanimate objects, the only real danger lies in the personal abuse of each, not the objects themselves.

This was the inception of shattering the “left/right paradigm” for me. I realized both the mainstream Republican and Democrat viewpoints were logically inconsistent. The entire political paradigm was really a false dichotomy. The logical, rational, and sane paradigm should be one side for the regulation of both and one side for the freedom of both. I began to question how this false dichotomy ever came to be. I began to question how these mainstream beliefs, completely absent of logic and reason, ever came into existence. It didn't make any sense to me at the time, I was completely perplexed. It was the first time in my life that I felt like something wasn't quite right. That little inkling had began, that little burning inside me, which would kindle a much larger fire later on, had taken root.

Individuals who are "awake" today have all gone through the same general process I have, through a myriad of different avenues of course. Ultimately though, at some point in their lives, they were faced with a verified fact that did not fit into their world view. The majority of society sees these facts as well, but instead of questioning and investigating for themselves where and how these facts fit, they simply ignore them. This is a natural process called cognitive dissonance:

"Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals tend to become psychologically uncomfortable and are motivated to attempt to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoiding situations and information which are likely to increase it."

Another great breakdown of cognitive dissonance is featured in Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth's film "Explosive Evidence":

For those who embark upon a journey of discovery when presented with these anomalies, it can lead to a very rewarding experience of enlightenment and awareness that really helps them become more in tune with their humanity and individual identity. For others, it can be catastrophic and lead to many problems both spiritually, and psychologically.

I'll extrapolate further into the connotations of these various phases in a bit, but at this point, if you have experienced an "inception" moment in your life, you have just hurdled the biggest obstacle in your way....the comforting bliss of ignorance.


"It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects." - Nikola Tesla

Post inception, when you realize the beliefs you subscribe to have a foundation of falsehood, the first step is to re-examine your preexisting beliefs.

For example, if you think 9/11 was caused by Muslim extremists with box-cutters who hate us for our freedoms, your entire perception of Muslims will likely change drastically if faced with information that the US Federal Government, Mossad, Saudi Arabia, or someone else was involved in or behind the attack.

If you hate firearms and think they should be banned because of a mass shooting, your entire perception of firearms will likely change drastically if faced with information that the event was orchestrated by people for the intention of demonizing guns.

If you think aliens are a tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory, your perception would likely change drastically if faced with an alien vessel hovering over your house.

While there is certainly a vast expanse of incorrect information out there to draw false conclusions from, there is also a treasure trove of verified facts out there as well. While skepticism is certainly an aspect we should all subscribe to in examining any information, we should be careful not to hide behind it as well. There is a fine line between cognitive dissonance and skepticism, and we need to recognize that there will be many cases where the information we have is inconclusive to form a resolution. There is nothing wrong with not having a concrete opinion on something if we are unsure. We don't have to play the dialectic game of "A or B" because the ultimate truth might be neither or a mixture of both. It is when we jump into a camp and champion its cause that we subvert our own critical thinking and become victims of groupthink.

The journey therefore should be one of open and honest discovery. Think like an engineer, think like a scientist, think like a philosopher, think for yourself. If an unverified fact doesn't fit the narrative, question the fact first. However, if that fact is verified and it doesn't fit the narrative, don't throw the fact out, question the narrative instead. Never subscribe to a narrative you did not logically conclude yourself based on your exploration of the facts. Never let anyone else do your thinking or reasoning for you.....ever.

It is by this process that you can break the external control of your perceptions. We can still disagree and have differing opinions and come to different conclusions, but our perceptions will be our own and not ones manufactured for us to subscribe to. The broader the diversity of opinion, the greater the chance of realizing what is closest to the ultimate truth. Instead of trying to convince someone else that they are wrong, the spirit of the conversation should be one of exploration to discover what is actually true.

The journey is an exciting process in any awakening person's life because it opens your mind, for the first time, to questions and hypotheses you have never considered before. It is the first step in developing your own identity, your own individualism, and your own cognition. By erasing what the culture we were born into wrote on the chalkboard of your mind, you have the chance to actually break your conditioning. When you break that conditioning, we can actually start to have an honest discussion about where this world is heading, why it is heading that way, and what we can do to change it.


"When you jump to conclusions, you strike your head against reality." - Brent Russ

Confusion is a difficult obstacle for many people to overcome. I remember when I first saw the twin towers collapsing on television. I stood there, jaw agape, and all I could utter was, "that can't happen.” My friends were like, "I know, it's surreal." But they weren't thinking what I was thinking. I was thinking, “no, there are laws of physics, those buildings can't fall like that. The path of most resistance is right down the middle, in any direction there is zero resistance. How are those buildings collapsing like that, where is all that energy coming from, it doesn't make any sense???

Confusion is a difficult hurdle to overcome because it obfuscates rational thought. In the midst of this chaos, the mind has a difficult time sorting and examining data to reach any rational, cogent conclusion.

This phase is also one where people will thwart their own critical thinking process by clinging to false conclusions to escape from the discomfort of being confused. Confusion can easily be rectified by casting blame onto an outside enemy and framing everything in the paradigm based on that. But the danger lies in the fact that all objectivity and critical thought get cast out at this point.

If a problem comes along that is caused by apathy of the citizenry or something in our capability to change, instead of owning up to the responsibility to affect positive change, we hold ourselves as helpless victims when we could be empowering ourselves to correct the problem.

This system we are in preys upon this as well because they will gladly roll out enemies for us to all argue about, and champions for us to rally behind. And while we are arguing amongst ourselves who to blame, what actually gets done? Nothing. Divide and conquer. This is not a coincidence either, believe you me.


"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

People who have managed to overcome confusion and maintain rational, logical, and individual thought often fall into the next trap on the road to awakening - fear.

Fear is an ugly trap to fall into because it ebbs at the very core of our divine nature as human beings. While there are certainly times where fear is warranted (ex: being under an imminent and direct threat of violence), you can not let your fears guide your thoughts or beliefs. A belief born of fear is a belief manufactured by an outside force.

Many people become overwhelmed with the scope of what we face. They become almost paranoid, and in many cases are paralyzed by fear. This is not a coincidence either. Fear is a powerful tool of control. Look at how we've let our rights be absolutely trampled upon in this country with nary a whimper. Fear is constantly drummed up by this system to keep us immobilized and passive.

Fear is also a roadblock in striving for absolute truth. The fear of the truth being ugly can prevent you from pursuing it. The fear of actually realizing you have to do something to change the current system we are in can paralyze you.

The fear of uncertainty plays a part as everyone just wants to be comfortable; ‘As long as what is going on doesn't directly impact my life, I'm not going to stick my neck out.’

The fear of what other people will think of you if you say something contrary to popular opinion can keep the truth at bay as well. That is why the CIA weaponized the term “conspiracy theorist”.

Fear can also cause paranoia and you will see conspiracies where there is only coincidence. This can come off as delusional to others and destroy any credibility you might have, even in cases where your analysis is 100% correct. Again, this plays right into the system's hands.

Fear works on so many levels against us, but we can't let it suppress us if we actually want to get off our asses and build a better future. We must keep calm. We must stay rational. We must find a channel that we can plug our talents and resources into and, as individuals, all work together in harmony to strive for a better world.


“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” - Mahatma Gandhi

The last hurdle in the awakening process is despair. When people reach this point and recognize the scope and magnitude of what we face as a society and a species, it is pretty easy to be overwhelmed and become despondent. Many people will run away to the hills and hide. Many people will cut off relationships with people they love, cut off socializing, and become reclusive.

It is in this trap that we isolate ourselves from each other, playing further into the divide and conquer agenda.

This also plays into the agenda of the system we are in because people will look to escapism as a relief. Sports, drugs, alcohol, video games, movies, will be entertained to death if you allow it. While these things in themselves aren't necessarily bad, you have to be careful that you don't fall into virtual reality at the expense of your actual reality.

Despair is also vicious because to the human spirit, a life without hope is not really life at all. Even in your individual trials and tribulations, you need to take a deep breath and realize that all is not lost. Just because it is dark and you can not see any light at the end of the tunnel doesn't mean that light isn't there waiting for you. It just means you haven't pressed forward enough to see it. Spring will come, though winter may seem unbearable at times.

With despair comes depression which is destructive because it prevents you from pursuing your interests and maturing. When depression sets in, passions and interests are subverted with an ‘Oh well, what can you do’ attitude. It's this very attitude that shackles many brilliant and strong people who have the competence and faculties to go out and make positive changes in their lives and communities.

How can we ever win if we think we've already lost?


“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you've made it past the confusion, pressed past the fear, and discarded the despair, most people in the awakening process discover something incredible. You discover and realize that this amazing thing we call life goes far beyond your life here. It goes beyond your struggles and problems in this life. It goes beyond the things you can't control. You discover that the true hope in life is the fact that you have the ability to mature, develop, grow, and better yourself no matter what circumstances you find yourself in.

It is this hope that provides the impetus for change, and although you may not be able to change the world overnight as a whole, you can make changes in your own life and your own communities and in that aggregate, we can all work together to bring in a world we deserve to live in. You don't need leaders to tell you what to do, you don't need anyone to carry the load, you don't need to join a group or form a coalition; we can all affect positive change just by individually bettering our own lives.

Hope is a beautiful thing because it opens up possibilities you never before conceived. Hope removes the walls from your mind and allows you to dream bigger dreams. When you recognize that a large part of your personal development is based on your ability to make up a set of goals and pursue them, the only way true progress can really be made is when there are no horizons to limit your imagination.

In the awakening process, hope also provides a positive outlet for ideas to channel themselves into actions. Hope is the antidote for cognitive dissonance because it targets the very concept that causes you to avoid facing reality - your realization that you actually have to get involved and do something about the problem. Hope gives you the courage to know that whatever problem you may discover, there will be opportunities to not only address it, but to resolve it as well.


“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” - Nelson Mandela

Armed with adequate hope, your individual personality becomes an instrument of incredible potential. Each and every single human being is a sliver of the Creator, and in us are the incredible aspects of His divine nature. We are unique, but we are all related.

The human spirit yearns to be free because we are sovereign children of the Creator. Because He is free, and we are part of Him, we naturally desire freedom. Freedom is the realization that there are no limits to our potential. We are infinite, and though we may not be where we want to be at a particular moment, that doesn't mean we are stuck there for eternity. Though we suffer setbacks and roadblocks throughout our existence, that doesn't mean there is some game clock running where if it expires, we can't achieve our goals. We have all the time in the universe.

I can not stress how important it is to grasp and hold onto this concept. Life is not a race. It is not a contest. Life is freedom. Freedom to explore. Freedom to mature. Freedom to develop and grow. Freedom to become whoever you want to become. If there is something about your personality you struggle with, never cease your efforts to improve it.

Freedom is paramount in human society because without it, we become slaves to someone/something else's agenda. If you are not living for yourself, you are not free. This isn't to say that charity and compassion aren't important aspects of how you should relate to others, but you should make sure your own house is in order before worrying about anyone else.

Freedom is important because we all have different needs, desires, and goals in our lives. We are each on a journey, and though we may share legs of it with others, ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure that you are continuing to mature and grow. The Creator doesn't want to force us to live as He wants. He wants us to develop and mature and become unique individuals, not mindless drones. No religions, no oppressive states, no cults. Don't identify with and entire ideology just because you agree with certain aspects of it. Identify your own principles and be yourself.

When you can find yourself and really explore and discover who you actually are, what you actually believe, and what you stand for - in the awakening process, this will open your mind and prepare you for true enlightenment. Instead of trying to "fit in" to some clique by adopting what others think/say/do, you can blaze your own trail. When you do that, you will find your perspective of the world, life, and the universe will change for the better. You will find your freedom.


“We’re on a road that has no end, and each day we begin again. Love’s not just something that we’re in, it’s something that we do” - Clint Black

The nature of the universe is love. Plants consume CO2 and make oxygen, we breath in that oxygen and exhale CO2 for the plants to repeat the cycle. Instead of recklessly meandering through the universe, planets balance into orbits around stars to provide the environmental conditions for life to thrive. This aspect of love is really akin to seeking balance and harmony between different parties.

When we make love with others, we engage in a mutually beneficial transaction. This creates a harmony between parties that can help bridge schisms and alleviate tensions when conflicts arise. In marriage, the parties involved make compromises to enjoy the mutual benefits of the coupling.

When you experience true freedom, and you understand the incredible breadth of joy it brings to your existence, you will undoubtedly come to appreciate how important it is for others to experience this joy as well.

Love is not controlling. The Creator loves us, but He isn't going to pop out of nowhere and slap our hands if we try to touch a red hot stove. The reason He allows suffering and trials in our life is because He knows that from those mistakes, we will carry that knowledge forward and make better decisions in the future. He knows we will share our experiences with others and help others mature by making better decisions as well. It may seem callous, like He doesn't care about our well being or doesn't love us, but it's just the opposite. Because He loves us, He doesn't want to micromanage our lives because if we are reliant upon Him to do our thinking and reasoning for us, how can we ever mature? If He perpetually treats us like little children, how can we ever develop into mature adults? His primary desire for our existence is to grow towards Him by developing as individuals. This aspect of love is how we should treat others as well.

Today laws are passed to micro-manage people's behavior. (Ex: Don't put this in your body, don't dance at this place, don't possess this inanimate object, etc...) While the intentions behind these laws may be virtuous, ultimately what occurs is that instead of people making responsible decisions because they fully understand the implications, they comply out of fear of punishment. This creates a society of perpetual children who will never improve their behavior because they want to better themselves and mature. A society of perpetual children is the perfect scenario for someone wishing to control them.

Love is not jealous. If you love people, you will never look onto their plate to see if they have more than you. You will only look to make sure they have enough. We all have different skills, talents, and abilities - and people find different ways to apply those attributes into productive ventures. Some fail, some succeed richly, and most fall in between. This is why the collectivist concept of "equality" is inherently anti-human. There can be no love if there is forced equality. Instead of force to make people equal, we should be more focused on making sure people have the opportunities to succeed and work together to better each other's lives.

Love does not boast. There is no love from the psychopathic elite in control of this system because they truly believe they are more valuable and better than the average person. They believe their wealth and superior knowledge entitles them to lording it over the average person. If you are very successful and wealthy, fantastic, I am happy for you, but don't think you are any more valuable than anyone else. I can guarantee you that the Creator could care less how many digits you make a year or what you park in your garage. Instead of boasting and thinking you are better, why not take the time to help others become successful as well. I'm not saying hand out all your money and live in a hut, but spread your knowledge, mentor people willing to learn, and help others build themselves up.

Love does not hold a grudge. There has always been and will always be conflicts between people and organizations. There will always be people who screw up and do something stupid that harms others. But when the mistake is realized, and the conflict is worked through, after the amends have been made, don't hold onto the grudge. It will tear you down inside and direct your energy into wasteful actions when you could be utilizing that energy to build something productive.

Love does not exploit. Just because someone isn't as high up the totem pole as you are doesn't mean that you should use their circumstances to exploit them for your personal gain. When you love your fellow man, your focus should be on helping them build themselves up, not finding ways to squeeze more out of them for your own gain.

In the awakening process, when you understand the powerful role that love plays in the grand scheme of things, you can appreciate the importance of the Non-Aggression Principle as a cornerstone of the solution. The NAP is the application of love to the body politic. When our focus becomes on helping each other develop and mature by giving people the maximum amount of freedom and opportunity, we can start to build a new society of incredible, dynamic, and loving individuals. When we alter the law to focus on protecting people from aggressive action and we stand behind that principle, we will have a solid foundation to build a much better society upon.

Instead of a foundation of control and force, we will have a foundation of love and grace. Culture will flourish, individuals will flourish, freedom will flourish, technology will flourish, and love will be the fertilizer of this growth.


“Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.” - Thomas Szasz

There is something incredibly serene about people who have been awake to this system after a while. I think that feeling of peace comes when each of us awakens to our own individuality and we finally begin to think for ourselves. We recognize that everything we experience is an opportunity to learn, that it is all working for our benefit, even though some experiences may completely suck.

I have spent a vast amount of time studying religions and political systems throughout my life, and one of the most peaceful moments was when I finally came to the realization that it was ALL bullshit. I struggled trying to make sense of it all for so long. How did it all fit together? Where did it all come from? Why do people cling to these control systems? I remember praying for answers for so long, hoping for some divine perspective that would enlighten me. Ultimately, I ended up crying out one night in prayer, "IT'S ALL BULLSHIT!!! NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE!!!!"

Reflecting today, I think I was avoiding coming to that conclusion for too long. I was hoping there was something out there for me to subscribe to, that I could just pledge blind allegiance to and not have to worry about the details or ask any questions. But that feeling of peaceful serenity, when I finally just blurted it out and just admitted what I knew my studies had exposed, was euphoric.

The beauty of finding this serenity is that it really liberates your soul. When you reach this stage of awakening, it finally aligns your perspective where it should be pointing. Insecurity, uncertainty, depression, confusion, fear, despair - all of these negative aspects of life just fade into the din of life.

We are spiritual beings first and foremost. We are in this life, on this planet at this time in these bodies right now, but this isn't what our existence is all about. We are all 100% secure in our persons, and no matter what happens that can never be taken away from us. Our goal should all be to wake up, as individuals, and better ourselves. Each and every day here, and into the infinity beyond.


"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Actions will delineate and define you." - Witold Gombrowicz

I hope this information helps you keep perspective through this paradigm shift. Trust in yourself, question everything, and never let anyone do your thinking and reasoning for you. Use every experience in your life to better yourself. Take time to reflect and evaluate what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it.

The most important aspect of your existence is your individuality. Explore it, refine it, and define it. You must reclaim it:

You are an amazing, unique, sentient, dynamic, beautiful sovereign child of the Creator. When you accept that, may you fully experience the serenity of awakening.