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RE: The Power of the Time Machine: Would changing history be the best use?

Time is in a loop, and thus infinite.
It is also not fractionable. One part affects all parts, past and future.

This is a hypothesis. It is unproven.

This is an observation.


Everything is an observation.

A hypothesis is when you state an interpretation of that observation. ;)

Still quite a few steps left to go in the scientific method. All we can do is observe. Then we can speculate (aka hypothesize) and it takes testing, refinement, verification to potentially invalidate the hypothesis, refine it, or prove it (until some better explanation is found).

The way you stated it was a hypothesis.

EDIT: I used an absolute here when I said EVERYTHING (and I don't like using absolutes so I am correcting myself). There are cases where people make statements about things they have not observed. So I suppose people do make statements about things they have not observed. In fact, they do it quite often.

I understand

But, you don't say the tree over there is unproven.
Or that gravity is unproven.

And, I believe it is in an area that is unprovable.
As you cannot be outside the system in order to understand it while simultaneously be inside the system in order to validate it.

Of course one could get much better idea of how it worked. Just no proof.

But, you don't say the tree over there is unproven.
Or that gravity is unproven.

Sure that is vastly different from stating time is a loop without any way to observe that. Very different.

I challenge you that you CANNOT observe time being a loop.

So you are speculating and trying to pass it off as reality.

This is how religions start.

It is fine to speculate. It is even good and necessary. It is naive to push speculations/hypothesis as truth.

I said, its an observation, and I meant its an observation.
And there is no way I can prove that. I have my perceptions, and all of my life have had difficulty talking to people. I always just thought I was bad with words. However, I seem to have perception abilities that you do not, and visca-versa. And so, it wasn't my failing in words, it was entire concepts that I just take for granted.

If you would like some evidence to look at you can look at the Mayan Calendar. It clearly shows cycles and cycles. And the reason it ended in 2012 is that all the cycles ended there.

You can read Time and the Highland Maya for more information.

However, I seem to have perception abilities that you do not, and visca-versa.

If you have six sense of some type then perhaps. IF not then I challenge you have not observed time looping. IF you have then you need to qualify HOW you observe it since as far as I know there are no senses that enable such an ability. I have also seen no documented cases of time looping other than in fantasy and/or science fiction stories. Which yes, I can make up a lot of interesting things in stories. That does not mean they are real.

As I said in the other reply. History is not time. It is a record of events that occurred in time. Furthermore, even events that repeat in history are not actual repetitions. They each are different. They are not proof of time looping.

They are proof that people repeat things, and events repeat and are similar but not exact.

Much like I said in the other post. Simply because you are driving down a road passing the dotted line in the middle of the road does not prove a loop. The dots/dashes are not proof of a loop. Furthermore, if you were to examine each of those dots/dashes they are not precise duplicates.

They are simply features on the road.

I have seen no documented cases of time looping.

That would also imply it is finite in direction so at some point you should be suddenly visiting Pangea as time moves forward and loops back around...

You could go so far as things suddenly vanishing as we return to the moment of the big bang if the big bang is part of your cosmology.

Time doesn't appear to loop. IF you are basing your observations on events that are near repetitions, that is not time. That is simply history. History does often loop to some degree, for good or for ill. We build upon past successes as the foundation to a good structure. We repeat mistakes if we don't know our history. We repeat what appear to be mistakes when instead we just have assholes who like to control things and are building upon the foundations of how previous people manipulated/controlled people. Yet none of that is time. Time keeps moving forward as far as I have been able to find. I've not seen any evidence of any kind of looping or coiling. If you want to talk about history then the statement/observation makes more sense. Yet that is not time. That is but the dashes on the road of time.

You can read Time and the Highland Maya for more information.

Cycles are events in history. They are not time itself looping. VERY different things.

Also just in case I am not clear. I am not saying you are wrong. I am just stating it is a hypothesis which you were stating as truth. That may not be your intention, but the way you stated it appears that way to me.

What you say could be true. It may not be as well.

It could also be partially true. :)

The next step in the scientific method is to come up with an experiment to test the hypothesis. Document it and do it. Then let others try to repeat an corroborate it.

Without those steps it remains a speculation/hypothesis.

The place where it IS wrong is I have not defined loop. You probably think I meant that we just keep playing out the same thing over and over. A better explanation would be a coil of wire, and each time we go around, we add another coil to the overall coil.

In the case of time it still could be wrong. You haven't proven anything, just made a statement. You have not stated it is an opinion, speculation, etc. You have stated it is an observation as though some how you can observer time looping. You have not qualified that, but I challenge you that you cannot see that. Perhaps you can, but that burden of proof is on you.

Though it is a FUN mental exercise. Stating it is an observation hasn't actually clarified. How you define loop or don't define loop won't change much. I mean if you want to define ANY word some other way it can change things, but you can't realistically expect others to just casually communicate with you with any understanding if you are using your own interpretations of words and expecting people to read your mind. :)

I have seen no indication of a loop, or going around. In fact I haven't seen any indication yet that time is not infinite. It could be finite, but I've seen no indicators of that.

Also history (which can have repetitions that are NOT precise repetitions) is not time. It is events that occurred within moments in time.

Much like the dashes on a road as you drive simple passing similar events does not prove any kind of loop.

And, I will never be able to prove it.

The big bang never happened. It is a stupid idea. They new it was stupid when they introduced it, but Rocky-person paid people to support it, and so, it is almost scientific fact.

If you knew what I do about time, you would instantly discard the big bang theory. It... I do not know how to describe how stupid it is. None of the analogies even come close. Its worse than a theory that's premise was rocks falling into the sky.

So, I intend to talk about my experiences on steemit at some point. But, you can't even talk well about flat-earth here. And what I have to say throws out everything in the science books.

I do not say such things trivially, nor am I ignorant about what is in science books.

So, you can call me a loon, but my experiences and perceptions are mine, and you may not tell me I don't have them.

Of course, I could turn the tables on you, but it would just sound silly. As, lots of people seem to have the same set of senses as you have had. (but, they are not my experiences/senses)
