The problem isn't the outward display. That has to do completely with what the community finds normal or abhorrent. It is impossible to make a 100% solid stance on it. There are no first principals you can apply.
But, we can go to the underlying reasons, and there we find all kinds of things to be very angry over.
Its called the feminine imperative.
They claim we live in a patriarchy. But, the evidence is that women run the show. Old families, descended from kings of old, run the world.
The main schism is the divide between the top 20% of men, that all women want, and the bottom 80% of men who are pretty much invisible to women.
The women want to strut around in as provocative and attractive of clothing to attract the top 20% of men. And they want the bottom 80% of men to not bother them, while they are trying for the top 20% of men.
The definition of creepy is whether the woman finds you hot or not.
It has been shown time and time again, two guys saying the same exact thing, and the girl digs one and calls the other a creep.
So, the underlying statement is women want the privilege to do anything they want without being judged. And men have to take all the responsibility with none of the rewards.
So basically, feminism is cancer is true and logical statement.
I wouldn't say that... more of a maddening rot.
The thing is that feminism preys on the worst parts of females.
What is unnoticed by almost all women is that feminism doesn't ever talk about the strengths of women. It tries to talk about women being as strong as men... meaning, they aren't being women.
And as in physical strength, women can't compete in the realm of men. It is stupid to try. The difference between mens and womens weight lifting at the olypmics is more than most women could carry, in two trips.
Women can't compete, and never were meant to compete. So, in competing, the man will either bow out, or beat her so badly she wouldn't even know what happened. Hollow victories make sad and depressed women.
Women have areas where they beat men hands down. As in, a well trained man can say, "oh I see what you did there". But, as I said, feminists never talk about these areas. And they do it so they can continue to play the victim card.
But, it is soul rotting to continue to play the victim.
I know. They never talk about anything of substance. Always, the strong, independent women cry for help as soon as somebody says a mean word. Not that there aren't actually strong, independent women in the world, but they're not feminists, and they realise that men an women both have their strong points and women have others, so should be appreciated in different ways.
Basically, they want all the privileges of being a man and a woman, but none of the responsibilities of either. Feminism is just a bunch of whiny, nagging kids. And male feminists are by far, the most retarded of the lot.