Having a sense of pride in yourself is generally thought of as a positive attribute. Pride has a lot to do with appearances as well. But when is pride crossing the line between being just that -pride & morphing into a sense of self importance that just isn't real? There is a line. Many use pride as a marker of self importance or a "better than thou" mentality.
News flash: For the most part, you aren't actually anymore important or "better" than the next person.
Are you unique? Yes, absolutely! Our differences are what make us great as humans. Some would argue our differences are merely what sets us apart or divides us. But, I would say it's our unique personal attributes...
- our eccentricities
- our preferences
- our belief systems
- extroverted vs introverted
What we own doesn't and shouldn't set us apart as humans. Class should not be the divider.
Class/ socioeconomic status should not be confused with pride
You can live in a poor neighborhood and be richer than the white collar corporate mogul slave living in the gated million dollar home subdivision. Let that sink in...
$$ & pride aren't the same things.
They aren't even related!
You can be a poor person who's maintained pride & satisfaction in their personal growth. Whose wealth in wisdom far outweighs the "wealth" associated with a high debt to income ratio.
I would dare say most mid class people are happier than those high rollers in their mansions who can't save a dime because of their country club dues.
What do you think? Pride & class are not the same. What should you take pride in?
- helping others
- giving your all no matter the situation
- never giving up
- knowing you did right even if you were wronged
- being the bigger person
You don't need fortune or fame to figure out those things listed above. You need internal pride and confidence that you (yes you) can roll with the punches of life & rise above. $$ or no $$ you can do it if you set your mind you to it.
Alright my Steemians, these are just some ponderings of mine. Feel free to leave your own thoughts or observations below.
blog header image my own
Sooo very true!
Thanks I guess this didn't hit home with very many readers. :/
That doesn't devalue it in any way! Look at the post in terms of Steemit....some of the most upvoted posts can be the least valuable where some of the least upvoted can be the most meaningful. <3
Thanks, I have had a really bad day. Appreciate your kindness
I'm sorry you've had a rough day. You have my support from across the country.
You're very kin d
Thank you. That is sweet. I'm here if you need to talk. {{{hugs}}}