That's a very interesting take, @kain-jc. Thank you for your comment. I think you are right that the elite's knowledge of behaviorism and persuasion-techniques have grown, but I think that planning only works in the grander scheme of things. Those who are planning these are the 'top elites' and make just a very small % of the total population. I think that most policy makers have good intentions in mind and don't realize that they are working within a larger scheme.
I am aware of "The Shock Doctrine". I think you are right that shock doctrines are used to destabilize regimes, but I don't see how "free markets" are used to dominate the world. It happens through other means like terrorist attacks and having a population scared so that people accept their freedoms and rights to be curbed for the sake of safety.
You offer an optimistic perspective, which is always welcome as a balance to my often more apocalyptic ones :)