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RE: Our Responsibility and Duty to Truth

in #philosophy7 years ago

Responsibility is easy while saying in words and many will do that but when the turn of action comes then for sure many will stand apart from it because they are irresponsible and they can just pretend but they cannot adapt it.

We all know how important it is to know the truth and to speak the truth but we are using truth as an convenience means if we have some greed then possibly many will fall for greed and they will stop saying truth and possibly they will create chain of lies.

And it's everyone's duty to spread the truth and it should be integral part of our life because truth opens the gates of reality and we can enter into reality without any burden because truth makes you lite and lies makes you heavy with burden of lies.

So, we have to understand our true responsibilities and duties of life to create the true image of life otherwise our life will break one day if walked on the path of falsity and lies and it will push you towards failure.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂


It's definitely ideal to live in truth. However reality is what it is and you live in reality whether or not you accept it or consciously do.

That's true. 🙂