First of all, I speak your language better than you do. I think that, in turn, speaks volumes on the average trumpet's mental prowess. You and your fellow shit-slinging primates are nothing but cowards. You needed a vocal orangeutan (intended) like Trump so you can make your feeble, womanly voices heard.
The most effective trumpet tactic I've seen so far is the zenith of ignorance. A trumpet-like form of the strawman argument, but much better molded to suit your trollish personalities. You are constantly backed into corners from which normal people would concede, at which point you twist and turn what your interlocutor has said, without adding any substance, leaving the other person stunned thinking about how stupid they must've been to be dragged in a discussion with such specimens.
That is where your power lies. Taunting decent people by assaulting basic human values while laughing in ignorance at the response they get.
I don't watch TV, boy. Couldn't give a shit about CNN or FOX or whatever mainstream garbage propaganda megaphone.
Your kind will find its end with our heels on your necks. Metaphorically speaking. This I promise.
A cancer-ridden body's immune cells often ignore the cancerous ones, which allows the disease to spread. I am here to wake up the immune system of the human conscience so that we may fight and exterminate you and your fellow troglodytes. Figuratively speaking, of course. You will be given no quarters.