To transcendence to be more than your identity attachments and labels weather that is race, religion, country, family or the limitations of the language you use to communicate. Once all these constructed barriers are removed you free yourself from self identification and are ready to move to higher frequencies and greater opportunities to be. To be what you may ask? The answer, “to just be”.
Truth is Uncertainty. Uncertainty is truth. Everything claiming to be certain truth is elusive; transitory; while being simple and complex at the same time. Having looked at many religions I have come to realise that all religions are asking the same questions and lead to the same conclusions if somewhat on a different path. Some of the religious rituals are allegorical. Others are literal that recalls historical occurrences. Certainty is a false claim on all religious belief. However that would lead to the idea that truth is a uncertain concept.
The most transcendent amongst all religion traditions is the idea of pilgrimage. The idea is that you take a special journey to a special place to codify your belief in a deity higher than us. It is impossible for me to list all the pilgrimages of the world and I would not like to remove the happy feeling of elation, affirmation and comfort that these physical journeys give the pilgrims. However I don’t think that the pilgrimage starts and ends with a single trek by walking, plane, train or automobiles to take a journey to a certain destination written in your chosen religious text.
My understanding of all pilgrimage is much more allegorical. The broader pilgrimage concept,(My innate sense of believing)is true pilgrimage is your journey through time and experience of your material life; with knowledge, love and wisdom, as the attributes that build over the passage of time and carrying people to a peaceful understanding of the rituals that help nurture our understanding in the higher consciousness that is the beautiful belief in God/Allah/Brahma/Shiva/Ishtar/Ram/Krishna and that life’s journey of gaining spiritual, scientific, emotional and compassionate knowledge is the worshippers true journey of any pilgrim, yes it might be a journey that involves going to special places of peace and religiosity that Ultimately leads the pilgrims destination of the one god that is in every object and every where. But the journey to the special physical place is the least important aspect of pilgrimage. It is the reward for moving towards God(enlightenment, salvation, the straight path, peace, coherence ) . But we should earn that reward not take it as a right that we are owed.