Until I can figure out what a UTC time is and how it plans on working, we'll just say the show starts in a little over 20 minutes. Uh yea, never bow down to the man-made constructs of "time." Anyways if Cope is still alive then you can catch me and @mfxae86 live soon over on the PAL server or all these lovely places listed below for some kind of philosophical ramblings about whatever comes to mind. Ya fickadeel me mane?
The show will be Saturday night at 11:00 pm CST (Sunday 4:00 am UTC). If you want to hang out and interact with us live, take the Discord link below, or else the others all work for listening and watching live. I'll also post a recording some time after the show is over. Thanks to anyone that can come out and join us and we look forward to seeing you there. Much love to all of you.
Live chat and stream on PAL Net Discord.
I was going to visit you on the show, but I think I'm late. I share a reason and success in your program. Good vibes.
Posted using Partiko Android
We still have an hour and a half left if you want to join us.
I tried to get in, but my connection is very bad from the kick, it only allowed me to leave a greeting. Good vibrations.
Posted using Partiko Android
Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)
Our purpose on steem is to encourage posts discussing information war, propaganda, disinformation, and liberty. We are a peaceful group of truth-oriented individuals. The topics we write about are those that the controlled social and mainstream media actively suppress. You can learn more about our mission, various websites, and community benefits by clicking here!
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Together we can defeat the censors by embracing decentralized platforms.