Do any of us really exist? Today I'm going to share some radical thoughts on existence and mental health for anyone willing to read. If you look at the image above you may see two faces or you may see a vase, it may even pop back and forth between the two for you, but regardless try to see the three shapes as they are going to be fundamental to the concept that I'm about to discuss. Have you ever heard anyone use the phrase paradigm shift? I'll give you my perspective on what a paradigm shift is, the symptoms, and what it's all about, if you are interested then read on.

I view a paradigm shift like this: on one side (see the first image) is how we see ourselves. This is made up of all of the learned behaviors, societal expectations, and beliefs that we hold firmly. On the other side is how we actually exist. The two are identical, but when we know there is a discrepancy between the image we hold of ourselves and the way we actually are that creates the illusion of duality or the rift in between the two images of self. The symptoms that manifest due to this discrepancy are often described as anxiety, depression, tension, and nausea. So how do we rectify this rift and duality of self if we are aware of it?
The first step from my perspective is to accept ourselves and be okay with who we are regardless of all of those preconceived notions and beliefs that we don't actually hold true. It's difficult to ever make anyone see this as many of us protect those beliefs so vigorously that we can't let the veil slip and show ourselves as we really are do to the fact that we fear rejection or judgment of others. The greatest irony in that statement is that we are rejecting and judging ourselves by assuming that others will do the same. In the end does it really matter what others will say or think if the options boil down to living a lie or being ourselves? I think not, but what is the point of all of this anyway? Why are these "paradigm shifts" happening?

There are many perspectives on why paradigm shifts are occurring or needed. My biggest concern is that pharmaceuticals and mental health professionals treat symptoms and don't ever really address the root cause in many of these situations and in the process of creating the symptoms, they ultimately push us further from treating the core issues. My perspective is that the world is changing and society is evolving against the current norm. Society seems to grow and change in waves and I feel that these changes become more and more apparent across generational gaps. We can look to religions, philosophy, or history to gauge that these changes are happening or why they are happening, but the only truth that I've found in it is that they are changing and that being authentic removes the illusion of duality for me personally. I don't think we can ever truly see ourselves, only ideas of our self, and we only exist in the reflections of those that we allow to truly know us as we actually are. We can become aware of ourselves and when we are being authentic and true to ourselves or not, but no one else can do that for us. So why hide who we really are if we want to exist?
you are the last post on my blog for this year...
I hope next year is better for all of us. Thanks BA! :)
Paradigms shift, it's what they do 💯 🎆♥
Nice information for me..
Thank you so much.. I have a new khowledge from this post..
word. this has been a subject I've been wanting to get into at a cultural level. I've often seen myself as a stranger in a movie watching myself play a role that was not me, but forced on me out of necessity. allowing your self to be the observer is cathartic, because it allows you to see the trauma from the outside.
In the absence of any standard (i.e. laws, mores, learned behaviors, societal expectations, and beliefs that we hold firmly) there can be no failure. If we have no laws there are no lawbreakers. If we have no lawbreakers we have no need for law enforcement, and so on. Now that would be a paradigm shift of momentous proportions.
The question is should society have any standards?
It would certainly simplify a LOT of things but I fear make other things less enjoyable. If we have no notion of rape then there are no rapists but the victims remain. Or do they? If society agrees that forced sex is acceptable then there would be no shame or feelings of violation.
Fear of rejection or the judgement of others are all rooted in a standard we accept. Abolish the standard and that fear evaporates but at what cost? It seems we should be asking what, if any, standard do we want to embrace?
Those in power often decree standards to ensure their continuance in power. Large corporations lobby those in power to write laws that ensure their profit margins. Maybe we'd be better off if the FDA didn't exist and big pharma could make and sell anything they wanted? It's a tricky proposition we ponder.
In the absence of ALL laws the only societal constraints would come from the individual. Can we expect humanity to genuinely care for fellow human beings? Will we feed our neighbour's child before we feed our own?
Throughout history the abused have rebelled against the powerful. We can call these rebellions paradigm shifts or revolutions but they are the same. Sometimes the paradigm shifts or revolutions are fuelled by the powerful, as in the industrial revolution, to the detriment of our plant.
I submit that man as a species has an issue which must first be resolved before any paradigm shift can actually move us forward.
I was thinking about how you write this stuff in verse usually, and I came up with this little rolling verse.
I don't usually drop links but I kinda tapped your vibe here. Maybe.
Sync! https://steemit.com/poetry/@girlbeforemirror/girl-beyond-the-looking-glass-original-content-actual-girlbeforemirror
It was an awesome read for sure. :)
Perception is reality.
This a philosophical and psychological post ..I like this post...thank you very much...
really your writing so creative...and too much good information here...above all it's good post...