Following Our Passions

in #philosophy7 years ago


Being raised in a society that promotes consumerism and following the status quo, it seems many of us adopt the mindset that we should pursue money as the end goal reason to be employed. I imagine there are some parents that don't raise their children to think this way just as I imagine there are some children that grow up thinking that way of their own volition. I can't really say which way is best, only that we all must determine what is right for our own lives. Personally, I feel that working with a focus on the money just leads to scarcity mindset and it makes me unhappy. It doesn't mean that I don't earn money or recognize it's usefulness as a tool, but I don't make it the focus of why I do anything.

It's very easy to justify doing things that we don't want to do if we believe the end goals are necessary. The problem I find is that when we justify doing something that we spend so much of our life occupied with, such as a career, focused on the money or benefits and forget to do what we actually want to do, we in turn become a slave to the illusion of control. Sure having money and nice benefits can provide a sense of comfort, but at what cost? Is it really worth it to spend our lives working a job we don't like or compromising our own integrity and values in the pursuit of comfort? That's living for tomorrow while forgetting about the day that we have, and in the end tomorrow never comes.


I feel that this behavior leads to a situation in which we are always living focused on the future. It is important to have some idea of where we want to go with our lives as drifting aimlessly isn't much better than slaving away for the illusion of control, but managing our own expectations of the future and not getting fixated on outcomes is something to stay mindful of as well. When I decided to start writing and putting all of my time and efforts into crypto, it became clear that it would cause problems with my family, but that isn't for me to control. It's not up to us to live our lives to make another person happy.

The only person that we can every truly focus on making happy is ourselves, and the people that find their way into our lives while we're doing that are the ones that are meant to be there. It's a bit of a paradox that the people that claim to want to see us happy can be the most vocal proponents against us following our passions, but if we consider why that is, then we can let go of the need to please anyone else as well. Parents, friends, and possibly even lovers want what they think is best for us and if we are pursuing something they view as risky or foolish, they can often add doubt and resistance to the path that we want to take. I think of this as a test we put on ourselves to see how intent we are on following our own passions.


Looking at these conflicts as a test that I am putting on myself and not as some way that others are trying to hold me back, I then realize that it's okay to let go of anything that is no longer serving me. I don't use the term 'serving' in a sense that it's their responsibility to aid me, but in the sense of validating or benefiting the path I have chosen for myself. The simple truth that I've found is that no one owes anyone anything and spending our lives focusing on trying to live for other people leads to our own unhappiness. We can't make anyone else be happy or do what they want to do anymore than they can for us. The idea that we have to hold on to these bonds that conflict what we truly wants just keeps us from our own happiness, but we are doing it to ourselves. We are not obligated to live our lives unhappily.

I doubt I'm the only person that has had someone tell them, "I just want what's best for you." Well I call bullshit on that idea. How can anyone know what's best for anyone else? Barring extreme cases of mental ineptitude, we all have to be able to look within ourselves and determine what is best for us. If other people want us to be happy or want what is best for us, then they will allow us the opportunity to figure out what that is for ourselves without judgment. This is why I believe we should pursue our passions and find a way to make a living from them instead of pursuing money and trying to survive a life spent doing what we don't want to do for the illusion of safety or comfort. There are no guarantees in life other than we all die. I'd rather live before that happens. Namaste.

Image sources: 1 , 2 , 3


I was thinking something not-disimilar when I read this story, where people who choose not to live their entire lives in line with maximal materialism are criticised because this means they don't pay enough tax. Whatever else you might think about whether or not we have an obligation to contribute to things via taxation, to see someone (or yourself) as just a means to an economic end strikes me as pretty dehumanising.

Agreed. The only way to change the system is to stop perpetuating it.

@clayboyn I actually connect with you there. The people closest to us can be the one to put the greatest resistance on our paths and thickest doubts in our heart if we are not strong enough to continue on our journey of what we hold as right for us knowing that at the end of the day we suffer the consequences alone. I have experienced this many times firsthand.

On two separate occassions, i have seen family members that i love so much sit me down, twice I have almost lost my girlfriends (encouraged by their mum) because I decided to be a ghostwriter (working from home) instead of getting a job. They just couldn't wrap their head around having me sit down inside the whole day (from an office i made out of my rented apartment) and make money. To them i am lazy, unconventional, unadventurous, stupid, and unambitious.

When i quiz about ambition, it is all wrapped around getting a "dignified" job and that isn't that while i was sent to school and i hold a BSc in Engineering?

Before my fiancee's parents, i was always asked at any point of meeting them, "what's that your thing about again?" And i know it isn't that they do not remember but only to taunt.

Well, Four years plus now i have been on that lane. I am happy, made many's people dreams of becoming authors come true. I have stuck my head out and it is getting better everyday.

Thanks @clayboyn for this.

That's awesome to hear!

Hi @clayboyn do you online in discord? I hhave one question from you

Interesting post. I certainly agree that going after the money creates a scarcity mindset. It's never enough! After a certain point and a certain level of comfort, diminishing returns sets in too.

I like to identify what I'm passionate about and then focus on creating smart daily habits that build on that passion.

I also find that the more I work on something, the more passionate I feel about it.

The work is its own reward.

"Choose a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life" is attributed to Confucius. IMO there is a lot of wisdom in this.
I applaud your decision to pursue what inspires you. Monetarily providing for family is necessary but not sufficient.
By example, we teach our children what holds real value in life.

I’ve seen far too many people destroy themselves and the people around them in some endless pursuit of money. It neve matter how much they made they wanted more at whatever cost. They gave up family, friends, hobbies, and happiness for something that was supposed to somehow fill that void that kept getting bigger.

The only thing sadder then this is when they imploded at some point then abuse themselves with all the money they have just blowing it in such stupid and silly fashion that they would have never in a lifetime have done before. Which tends to bring them even further unhappiness.

There a difference between wanting to be a good member of society that works to pay off any debts owed, do the right thing, and get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Then there is this ugly thing called greed that will devour your entire soul just for some pieces of paper.

I’ve had people tell me often “I want wants best for you” and you see what that did to them and you just can’t help but fell – the hell you do.

Right, I experience it worst with my parents. I get that they want what they think is best for me, but that doesn't make it what's best for me. People justify all kinds of stupid shit for some idea that they need things they don't. I just reserve the right to find my own path. Thanks for stopping by @enjar!

The worst is when someone weaponizes that statement of 'I just want what's best for you.' There has been times where I get it and I see the message they are trying to deliver, but the strings attached? I hate it. The whole "you need to do A in order to B or else C. Fuck dat, naaaameeeeeen. What they mean is "I am associated with you so I want you to feet my mold(or else.)" Been there, done that, bought the shirt, it was itchy and smelt like budussy and truffle butter. 😝 Great post 😃

Nothing worse than weaponized agendas based on the illusion of love and good intentions.

Clayboyn! Awesome post my friend : )

I dont necessarily think someone saying "I want whats best for you" is always them saying "I want what I think is best for you." It can be said genuinely and without bias.

I do however agree on your point that discovering what is best for you is a job only you as the individual are capable of doing. We have a responsibility to ourselves that only we can fulfill, at to expect another to fulfill that responsibility for you is both foolish and detrimental to both parties.

My most recent post and yours here actually compliment each other quite nicely as a matter of fact : ). Would love to see if you agree.

Great work as always my friend, please keep it up!

I agree, it's possible to just share our opinions with someone else with pushing them to pursue what we think they should be doing. I suppose it's really up to the individual that is saying it to know their own intentions and manage their own expectations as well. Like there is a difference between telling someone you think they need to get sober and you think they need to go find a job that they don't want to do because they need the money. The statement itself isn't necessarily aggressive or toxic, it's more about what comes afterwards and how we handle it. Mindfulness is key for sure. I'm in a meeting but I'll check out your post in just a bit, happy to hear from you!

Agreed with everything my friend, good luck in your meeting and looking forward to it!

Man, this hits close to home. I've been working at a job I really can't give my all to, like I want to do well there, I'm capable enough to, but it's just not something I enjoy.

I think about all my other passions while I'm there, knowing I could be making myself happier by giving more to people in ways I am passionate about. The one thing really holding me back is my mortgage, but it might just be worth it to quit and find a cheaper place to live.

I think me and my girlfriend could do it and she supports me, so these next few months I'm trying to generate some income and start working on personal projects that could develop into passive income streams for me.

I really feel like I could be giving so much more if I had the time to do it. Thanks for putting it all into perspective for me. I gotta break out of this, all it brings me is security and I'm just stagnating

Best wishes and I hope you see it through and all works out for the best.

Thanks man, currently reading crushing it so and finding motivation in unlikely sources... Like when the bus in front of me the other day said "be your own boss"

I totally agree with this. Coming from someone who works an 8 to 5 job, I just feel tired and dissatisfied at the end of the day. I considered ypur insights, and yes, it will be nice to work passionately for something I really care about, and not just make money for someone else's dream. Namaste.

It's very easy to justify doing things that we don't want to do if we believe the end goals are necessary. The problem I find is that when we justify doing something that we spend so much of our life occupied with, such as a career, focused on the money or benefits and forget to do what we actually want to do, we in turn become a slave to the illusion of control. Sure having money and nice benefits can provide a sense of comfort, but at what cost? Is it really worth it to spend our lives working a job we don't like or compromising our own integrity and values in the pursuit of comfort? That's living for tomorrow while forgetting about the day that we have, and in the end tomorrow never comes.

This resonates with me, especially the part where we work too much to secure tomorrow at the expense of today.

In my country, there's quite a craze about airdrops. There was a time I was part of that too, with the attendant spamming of twitter and telegram. One day, I just stopped myself short and asked what I was doing all of it. I realised I had no genuine reason. I just didn't want to miss out. Needless to say, that was the last day I applied for any airdrop.

Sometimes, we allow the fear of tomorrow to control us so much we miss the joy of today.

Thanks for your post


Nice wonderful content.. You are not the only person.. Many other thought same
Money should be for necessities we should earn it but no to be a slave of it
Yeah its important that we should do what is better for us.. No what is better for making money..need of self awareness..
God bless you for good article

Agreed, thanks for stopping by and reading. :)

You are welcome.. Your content worth it

Sometimes when people say "I want what is best for you " I see them as politicians

great writing sir... i aso agree that we all should do our work in time... otherwise we have face many problem all the time...

That is very good philosophy.I appreciate this thought.Carry on your activity.
Thank you

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I agree with you 100%

Thank you for this post. I agree totally!

Scarcity mindset is the worst! My husband and I are incredibly fortunate to live the life we are living (especially me, he makes most of the money) and yet, we still fret about money when we have so much more than we need. We both intermittently talk about how we could get out of the cycle...maybe one of these days the talks will become action!

@clayboyn, I LOVE this post! especially these points:

Is it really worth it to spend our lives working a job we don't like or compromising our own integrity and values in the pursuit of comfort? That's living for tomorrow while forgetting about the day that we have, and in the end tomorrow never comes.

This is something already known, but also something that we should, in this consumerism society, constantly remind ourselves, as it influences all our career-related decisions.

Parents, friends, and possibly even lovers want what they think is best for us and if we are pursuing something they view as risky or foolish, they can often add doubt and resistance to the path that we want to take. I think of this as a test we put on ourselves to see how intent we are on following our own passions.

This is a GREAT point. My family was against myself pursuing the career of a piano player/teacher when I was a teenager, and for some time I was saying that I chose another school just because of them and that it is their fault I don't do what I loved so much. However, with time I became aware (and they also told me that) that if I was really, REALLY into it, I would find courage to go against everything and to make that career. And the proof it is the right way of thinking is that right now, when I can, I don't feel like coming back to playing the piano seriously.

This is why I believe we should pursue our passions and find a way to make a living from them instead of pursuing money and trying to survive a life spent doing what we don't want to do for the illusion of safety or comfort. There are no guarantees in life other than we all die. I'd rather live before that happens.

This is what I need to remind myself in this period a lot. :) And the older I get, the more stories I hear about people's very different and often crazy and unexpected career paths (which is, I believe, expected in this era), so I am aware that you really, never, NEVER know, and that the only right thing is doing what you love. And then, I also believe, everything is slowly starting arranging to help you succeed in it as you progress and learn.

Have a great day!