The God Concept ; Part one - is God real?


The question of "Is God real?" has occupied the minds of many intellectuals.

However, the question is impossible to answer without first asking the more direct question; What is God?

Religions around the world use ancient texts such as the bible, the quran, the sumerian tablets, etc, to describe God as they see it.
Most religions manipulate the text to create a mass following, and some religious institutions, like the vatican, are actually more satanic then God-like.

The problem with religion is that it has nothing to do with what we call God...period.

Religious text, however - at least the text that has not been dramatically altered - does carry with it some truth, and yet it is mostly to be taken metaphorically.

In the same way alchemy is supposed to be taken metaphorically.

Religious texts, such as the bible, have much wisdom to offer us.

Yet religion in itself is just an institution which takes this text, and alters it for its own purposes.

Religions such as modern christianity tell us that "God" is a higher dimensional human-like being named "Jesus"; and tell us to bow down to this figure because he is the true God.

However, the letter J was invented in the 1600's , and the man mentioned in the bible who many think of as "Jesus Christ" is actually mentioned as "Yeshua" or "Ben Yosef" , and was called "Hamashiach", meaning "the christed one". The word Christ means anointed, and to be anointed was to be initiated into an order or mystery school, symbolized by having oil rubbed on ones forehead.

If we take the idea of "God" and add on all of our human aspects, of course we will end up with a deity, who probably looks human.

Now, what we have just created in our minds is a deity. We have taken our 3D understanding and applied it unto something that is most high, something that is a part of ourselves (and everything), yet is the highest aspect of all of existence, and so couldn't possibly be a physical being.

I would describe God as a kind of living intelligence, that makes up and is all things....and, to be honest, I wouldn't use the name "God" to describe it.

In Exodus 3:9 - 19, King James Version, Moses asks God what to call himself so that he may be trusted as one who hath speaketh unto God by the Jewish children of egypt, so that he may lead them to their safety, as the Jews are often misplaced.

God, who has appeared to Moses as a light, as a "burning bush", tells Moses "I AM THAT I AM"

What does this mean?

God is saying "I AM", and at the same time God is saying "I AM ALL THAT I AM" , I AM THAT I AM.

Meaning that God is.

God just is.

Everything that we can experience is this same isness, is it not?

Meaning that God is in everything, and is the substance which everything consists of.

God is just conscious energy - high vibrational energy; Akashic intelligence, or the intelligence of the omniverse which lives in each particle.

In the Kybalion, three initiates tell us that " God is infinite living mind....the illumined call it spirit"

God is Infinite Living MInd.

Think about that.

The universe is mental, and God is infinite living mind, or spirit.

God Is not some face in the sky - God is the force which dreamed up the sky, the force which dreamt up space and time...Infinite living mind.

Simultaneously, God is also in the particles which make up the sky.

God is in everything, as a part of God; as Gods dream.

Yet there is also an aspect of God which is Intelligence that is the dreamer.

This is the Infinite Living Mind which dreams up universes.

......And there is a part of you that is God....the real part of you...there is also a part of you that is ego....and that part is the illusion....

To conclude,
It would seem that God is some kind of mysterious force which we know little about, but it is definitely not a man in the sky, and it is something that can be experienced.

So if you are still asking "what is God", just look inside yourself - the kingdom of God awaits you.

Essentially, God is very real, and is the original cause - the ultimate reality.

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The next post in this series is: The God Concept; Part Two - is God an entity?


Normally, I wouldn't post on someone's religious post, but your page says "By creating emotive content that initiates critical thought and disscussion...", so... I'll take the opportunity to express some critical thinking. Forgive me if I offend, as that is not my intent.

The bible was created by illiterate goat herders as an oral tradition and was later written down into various stories. Later it was conglomerated into one book by Constantine in his Council of Nicea so he could unify his people (and thus make it easier to rule them) into one religion. Since then, it has been re-worked, re-worded and re-written countless times, not the least of which being the King James Version in the 16th century.

The best evidence of the god, as described in the Bible, NOT existing is the Bible itself. It is the most altered, concocted and conflicted book ever written.


If there is one thing that is real then it is God. People fail to believe or even ask this question simply because they don't want to believe it.

God has no religion.

God is divine love energy.

People may want to believe or not but since you can distinguish btw bad and good ,just and unjustly then there is devil and God

devil = doer of evil.
evil = e-veil.
e-veil = energy veil

energy veil means veil of illusion

illusion is the opposite of reality, which is the one truth, which is God.

ego is illusion, is evil.

God is reality, is truth.

It is written (Jeremiah 17), "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" We can look at today's society and see this play out all the time. Misguided people, with good intentions, are often responsible for horrible actions. For instance, some people believe it is okay to march the streets in protest, but in doing so, have no problem vandalizing businesses, regardless of what beliefs the business owners have. The thugs get so worked up they will smash windows and spray paint walls, because they are following the desires of their hearts. For instance, Starbucks has donated millions of dollars for certain causes, but in November 2016, some of their shops ended up vandalized by the same people who were marching to support those same causes. This in my opinion is a perfect example of the heart being wicked and deceitful.

According to the gospel of Mark, Jesus said, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these things come from within, and defile the man."

As you can see, Jesus basically said that you can't always trust your own heart, and reinforced what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah.

You said, "So if you are still asking "what is God", just look inside yourself - the kingdom of God awaits you."

What will a career criminal, who's way of life is to commit robbery or burglary, find when he or she looks inside of themselves? Will their own heart challenge such a lifestyle, or justify it? What if the criminal is living comfortably from this lifestyle and has no reason to stop? What will their heart say to them? Will they find God?

Suppose a proud millionaire running a Ponzi scheme, who is not only an atheist, but someone who routinely mocks the idea of God, seeks answers from within himself. What will he find? Will God reveal himself and tell this person that ponzi schemes are bad? Or will this person, by looking within, simply discover more ways to deceive other people and enrich himself?

You sighted the account of Moses and the burning bush. Moses had an encounter with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When Moses asked by what name God should be referred to, the answer received was I AM THAT I AM. As the biblical account moves forward, this is the same I AM THAT I AM who speaks to Jeremiah and says that the heart is wicked and deceives.

We are both in agreement that God is very real. But I don't agree that people will find God if they look within themselves.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)

If God really exist there would be just one religion. If god really loves mankind he will tell the leaders of the religion the true way in serving him in one religion.

We are all atheist when we are born until someone introduces a fictional book and make you believe that its true

I remember reading a book by J.D. Salinger where he describes a child drinking milk as God pouring God into God.

God is ______. Fill in the "______" and it's always true.

who is god, pls tee me

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! Love your article!

im going to come back to read the whole post as i must go out, i get the jist of what you're saying, would love your opinion about my religion:-

What is happening with the image all of a sudden glitching - and why is there a time - limit to editing?


in my opinion we are the sun, nothing effects/supports us more than it does, it created/dispersed all the matter everything (except pluto and further out objects) in our solar system is made of, we depend on it and are locked in its grasp, we would have to do interstellar travel to escape its influence, we are actually even inside of it, well, its outer atmosphere but thats still part of it, that is why the sun is god to me, whatever it orbits is its god and the force/energy/universe/natures code is the all powerful force u speak of.

and some religious institutions, like the vatican, are actually more satanic then God-like.

As a Satanist, I resent this.

Before you attempt to answer "Is God Real?", you gotta try to answer "What is real?" first. "Real" is the category, "god" is the instance. Good luck ! :)

So "God Is" but we aren't? How did we evolve into something other than the pure spirit's

The best description of God that I can think of is the rules of how our reality works.. The principals of natural law is and always has been the proof of the existence of God.

The funny thing however is that "I AM ALL THAT I AM" , I AM THAT I AM does not have the meaning that you have ascribed to it. At least I don't think it does.

The thing about the phrase is that one cannot even read it without recognizing I, or the is-ness of am. Our ego is the illusion is a good way to see it as far as I think anyway.

Nice food for thought post.

yes, ye are GOD.
A part of the first cause.