racists, have intuition that tells them minorities don't belong
But is that really "intuition", or do they not see others as the same as them because they are uncomfortable with themselves or have not experienced oneness?
hunters might have an intuition that tells them hunting is where they are meant to be in nature.
.. where they are meant to be in nature. ? I have no idea what your were trying to say here.
But I guess to determine whether hunters can have an intuition about hunting you have to establish their reason for hunting, what it means for them, and if it is ":right", "wrong" , or both neither and both at the same time.
What are the grounds of your hypothesis that hunters cannot have an intuition because it may " tells them hunting is where they are meant to be in nature."
Both hunters and racists follow intuition - as does (so it would seem) any living spiritual / physical being ..
I'm so confused though, "what are the grounds of your hypothesis that hunters cannot have intuition", because the misunderstanding must have been much deeper if that's what you pulled from my post. Anyone can have intuition, and everyone does. But that doesn't make it worth anything. If your intuition tells you X and my intuition tells me Y and literally HITLERS intuition tells him Z, why should any intuition be valued at more than another unless it holds truth in reality? If they aren't to be valued more than each other, (that is if some intuitions are not more correct or just in some form) than what can even be their significance? We all definitely have intuitions, I just don't believe they're worth much.
We dont have "intuitions"...
We have intuition.
Idk yo, here's the wiki definition: Intuition (a noun) is the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired. Seems a lot like what I was describing.... Besides the point, I said " If your intuition tells you X and my intuition tells me Y and literally HITLERS intuition tells him Z, why should any intuition be valued at more than another unless it holds truth in reality?" Why do I need bother defend myself over the use of an "s" one place if you don't recognize the meat of the argument which falls in line with your "not intuitions, have intuition" grammar nonsense, tel me when in that quote I didn't use it properly. Atleast offer a rebuttal or something... lol
Definitions should never be seen as set and can always be added to or have info extracted from them...
However, in the case of intuition, I think that is an accurate definition.
It is knowing something for sure without the need for proof.
For example, you may have an intuition that somebody has kidnapped your daughter, and may have no logical proof, but if you do not follow your intuition and your daughter actually was kidnapped....well now you are just an idiot.
If you can know something for sure without proof or evidence, wouldn't this provoke thought of the possibility that intuition is from a higher, more knowledgeable source?
In the case of intuition that guides in the "wrong" direction (murders millions) , the intuition could have been spot on and Hitler could have played a very vital roll in providing humanity with a certain experience.
....or it could have not been intuition at all....
I am not here to tell you that intuition is always right and can never be wrong...
But I am here to ask you the question: " If it feels right, how can it be wrong"?
Yooo this is a great comment, but do you still not see what I'm trying to say... YES!!! You are right if dont follow through with your intuition and she was kidnapped your an idiot, but you are also an idiot then if you follow through with your intuition and she was not kidnapped. Intuitions are valuable if they give you foresight into an event in a way that you may deem 'from a higher source', but that entails (to me to deem from a higher source) that they are TRUE in the real world. I'm here to try and say that intuitions can be right AND wrong, but the intuition that your daughter is kidnapped is just parents unwarranted worrying UNTIL the child is actually kidnapped right? I think that there is an answer to that question "how can it feel right and be wrong", if the intuition doesn't hold up with the rest of the world. If it clashes with our understanding of a social contract and civilized society it should deservingly be met with some scrutiny. We can't have theives, rapists, murderers and the likes claiming what they do isn't wrong because "it feels right".
and would it really have been better or more pretentious of me to use like an oxford or webster dictionary definition of the word. you'd just be like ooo blah blah anyways no? it's just a definition what does it matter.