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RE: How to completely transform your psyche - Part 1

in #philosophy9 years ago

I agree that in the field of consciousness they opened people's eyes to some things, but the real transformation , in my opinion needs to happen on all levels of existence, including the physical.


Oh, I see. I didn't mention it here, but these guys both admit in "The Ending of Time" that thought is a physical process, and that having insight may change the electrical activity and the pathways in the brain. So this is related to neuroplasticity. I think you can help prevent the brain from getting stuck in an unhealthy rut by continuously learning and leaving your comfort zone, and they're suggesting doing that and more.

@cousteau, I have no idea, but I don't think that is what thought evolved to do. Also, I'm not sure I would want to extend life indefinitely. We may have that option if we start uploading our consciousnesses into machines.

All have long been saying about the materiality of thought, but if anyone has achieved this success , he could move things with thought or to extend its life indefinitely with the power of thought?