Government(govern mental) = Self imposed mental slavery. Believing in government is like an unborn baby needing it's umbilical cord.

in #philosophy9 years ago

ONE day alone being free and joyful in perfect nature is like 1 year in the machine, or even 10 years if I am willing to perceive it that way.

My life is now and anything within 24 hours of now is relevant to my experience. Everyday is the same day repeating it self (macro) as is 1 second of now repeating itself (micro).

Nothing becomes matter with experience, while everything is infinite imagination.

ILLUMINATI, that's ME, unlimited Light Being NOW, as I know my natural material wealth goes beyond comprehension of mechanical human mind.

I am the worst vampire there is, because I only drink blood from vampires.

To manifest is the idea of having power, and I have no power. I simply accept every moment as perfect, and so it is.

Society is an imaginary concept. I can experience a person, or I can physically communicate with up to 7 others at the same time with each person having equal input, beyond that, it's imaginary, and not real.

Death happens when I delete a belief system from my mind, and rebirth is a new me more free.

My highest goal in life has already been achieved, and life is my pathway to get there.

The only way ones closed Pineal gland can open is when one stops believing it is closed, and stops believing anyone else's is closed.

There is always somebody somewhere willing to give compassion, low slow vibration is eternally abundant. The most high is self centered, moves fast, and flies free, no compassion to give or see.

Reality is my five sense physical experience limitation that creates MATTER in my NOW, and my imagination is infinite, timeless, in-formation in darkness that does not create MATTER until I experience it in my NOW. Experience is matter, and knowledge is fantasy. To learn is to teach myself limitations. Anything I learn about my world and accept as truth is my limitation.

Want to read more?, you can purchase my book, released August 7, 2016.
Available on and many other book stores worldwide... Craig :)

Follow me @craig-grant, and have fun :)


I like your style Craig. Keeps me motivated to believe in myself and my thoughts, thank you!!

Thanks for sharing. Life should be happy and have fun.

Beautiful photos. You have an incredible energy. Thank you @craig-grant

Sweet I had no idea you were a fellow anarchist. :)

I dont pay monthly loan bills because the house is paid for, we run a cash business on weekends, have fun Monday to Friday, I don't file income tax because I have no proof of income. My girlfriend files just enough to get $3000 free money from the government cause she has two kids and we are not married, she uses $1500 of the tax return to pay property tax on the house. Money earned online goes to Jamaica, where my income tax is 0%... the system is there, and it's up to each human being to be a slave to the system or be free

Thats amazing , being so free! I always wonder how amazing it would be living free and totally off the grid ..

Interesting concept of government. If only all humans believed in common decency so we would not need any government

At certain measures we need government for controls. The only problem here is that the government dictates and force people to follow their rules, rules that were intended for the so-called development but the truth is its only for those who built it.

Great for a man who simply choose himself to be happy

Criag, I'm so glad I've found you. I'm looking forward to more content. Keep up the good work!