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RE: Steemit Anniversary - A year today ...

in #philosophy7 years ago

I hope August treats you well and you feel invigorated with more writing and ideas to share with us. 🌺🌺Congratulations on your milestone @shanibeer. I am a newbie in comparison. True I have @pennsif as my FAQ source, but things keep changing and sometimes it is rather daunting for me to accept and understand the game rules.


Thank you 😊 Actually, I wasn't sure of the date and had to look it up! I knew it was July sometime. I'm pleased, really, because it's about the time that school finishes for the summer (those long, long holidays when we were children) so, psychologically, it feels "right".
I know what you mean about this new world, so much to learn and it's evolving all the time. I did have a moment of nearly blind panic in one of my early visits, but that passed 😎.
I'm looking forward to August - in future years I hope to get back to having the whole month away from work (or even from mid-July) just to relax, read, take walks, cook and eat lovely food 😍

That's a lovely plan @shanibeer... I've never really had such a long break and I will miss you so make sure you come back :D

I'm thinking of visiting you in August. I was thinking I might time it with a West Wales meet up? Would Aberystwyth be the best place to stay or is there somewhere nearer?

It would be great to meet you @shanibeer! Yes, definitely Aber because it's got more places to see than where we live :D ... I think @pennsif is trying to organise another meet up but I'm not sure when that's for ... Do you have specific dates in mind ?

Just been looking at booking a hotel 😱 - maybe first or second weekend of September might be better?

I will definitely need to check re the beginning of September because both @mivstar and @tinygalaxy are flying the nest to start uni. It would be nice if you could meet us all (mind you that'd be one of the biggest steemit meet-ups ha ha... especially if we can get @pumpkinsandcats, 'silent' @cryptojelly, @cp123, @jen0revision and others too...) @pennsif is doing the radio show at the moment so when he's done I'll ask him re progress on the meet-up dates !