Nice post very interesting indeed. How do you define a person that helps another with no motive or hidden agendas but purely on instinct? that still classed as being "Selfishly Altruistic"..trying to understand a bit more,lol.......i guess if you dive deeper our instinct can be triggered by....hmm...
What your calling "Instinct" in this scenario I believe is much akin to saying "fight or flight " as a Non decision concept? This is actually using "Failed logic" because Fight or flight is a predetermined decision by you as the way you WILL react in the future. Therefore there is ALWAYS a motive or agenda as you put it, because you CAN'T even take a step without a decision to do so ... Again , you make a decision as a SELFISH endeavor, because it makes YOU feel good!
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" Freewill By RUSH
ofcourse @cryptoiskey everything is selfish altruism
whatver we do we do it first for ourselves. we learn this behaviour because it serves us best
Propagation of species is not a learned behavior, it is innate ...
fall back enough in time and you will find out that there is no such thing as nurture vs nature. One feeds the other. The innate, eventually has to come out of somwhere and it does come out of the sociality we are all carry.
it is not learned it IS innate, we are selfish by nature, if we were NOT, there would be NO humans ... you can keep writing forever, but you cannot change this fact. quit trying to win an argument, it is not open to debate, facts are facts.