Me personally? Yes but that to me is a matter of survival which is outside the scope of this post. I can understand if someone wouldn't want to kill an animal for food because as I have said before, we can feel emotions that animals cannot feel such as remorse.
Me personally? Yes but that to me is a matter of survival which is outside the scope of this post. I can understand if someone wouldn't want to kill an animal for food because as I have said before, we can feel emotions that animals cannot feel such as remorse.
Oh I was just curious. It was not a question related to the post. I would also kill an animal for food. I know people who wouldn't, as you said.
I think animals can perceive a wider range of emotions than we usually assume, but it's all instinctual or not as based on rationalisation as ours.
I like your name, by the way, it's so cute! 😍😊
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