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RE: Does fate exist? (And by extension, is free will an illusion?)

in #philosophy7 years ago

Do you do science? Do you have a STEM major?

The only possible logical explanation that excludes supernatural access to information about fate would be that you have signals of being a passive carrier to a disease, belong to an ethnicity that has a high tendency to get that disease or you told her things about your family that may have led her to believe that these things could happen. But of course, I'm just playing here, I know nothing about you or your situation and you must know better about it than me.

I'm one to see what others would consider evidence and I just throw objections at it as if it were some diabolic mistruth that needs to be oppressed. I find it rather dry, but at the same time, it's the only way my mind works, when everything is neat and logical, no weird unicorns allowed.