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RE: Nietzche on Social Justice Warriors

in #philosophy8 years ago

Very nice write-up. Curiously Nietzsche was also seized upon by the very people he was criticizing and his work used to legitimize their efforts. Here I am thinking of On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense which was (perhaps) misappropriated by the later Critical Theorists, at least as I read it. I really like the comparison with contemporary SJWs as well, good catch!


That is interesting and has a parallel today where these kinds of people try to jump on anything popular and coopt it. I'm thinking about Game of Thrones in particular where people will say it's all about feminism and that women are better rulers than men while overlooking the nuance and the fact that there are female characters that are terrible people too. Thanks a lot for your support!

Excellent daodesam! My curation vote got this post included in the buildwhale curation project, congratulations! :)

That's awesome! Thank you so much for your vote, @cupidzero! Let me know if I can do anything to help you in the future. I'll keep trying to put out quality, thought-provoking content. Light and Love, everyone

Strange, I don't see the buildawhale link to the curation in your replies, here it is: Buildawhale Curation Digest 7. Thanks for the offer of help, if I need any I will let you know. You might want to use @buildawhale occassionally and help their curation efforts by voting for someone's post as I did yours, pay it forward ;). I'm not part of their project, but they are doing some good stuff.

I will do that. I love the project. I got the link before. Thanks again

@chiefmappster linked it to me