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RE: Race and IQ, The Alt-Right, and the Post-Racial future of humaity

in #philosophy8 years ago

I am in full support of personalization and individualism. For this reason I support the concepts like personalized science, personalized education, personalized medicine. I also support individual rights.

In the past we had to use a concept like race because we didn't have super computers capable of studying each person's situation individually. Today we can do that and at some point in the future your life to some extent could be tailored to you, like education, medicine, news, entertainment. To me this is way better than doing things by race and using rough estimates.


And I agree with you, as in this post from a couple of months ago, where I disagree with Peter Turchin of Evonomics that hierarchy is inevitable, but at the same time point out that technology is not magic and that systems to support our decision-making will be difficult to build.

If I add detail or nuance on individual points, that's just me playing wide receiver, trying to catch what you're throwing and move the ball downfield.

Science should research every pattern, every individual, every family, every breed, in order to combat biological threats and sicknesses, because each ethnicity and each family has DNA Patterns. This is the truth, we should not hide this, it should not be hidden that races have different Patterns, which influence Health, Skill, the way of living, it influences each life. If we hide this, science can't progress correctly, health and medicines improvements aren't taken seriously, neither sociology or any kind of science that studies behaviors and communities.

Sources to read:

I agree that families and genes exist. I do not think race has anything to do with genetics or family. Race isn't imposed on people based on results from a genetic test. Personalized genetic testing I support and I recommend genome sequencing for anyone who can afford it. Family patterns as you call them have nothing to do with "race" because the black white binary categories are meaningless while family patterns have plenty of medical value.

For instance heart defects are known to have a genetic basis. So if it's in your family tree then you have to be very careful about heart conditions. Pistol Pete Maravich and WWE Star Jim Hellwig (Ultimate Warrior) had these sorts of conditions. But these sorts of conditions do not divide by race but by families, and are more popular in some tribes than others.

In a certain sense maybe you can say if you go to Africa and you find an ancient tribe like the San then in the case where they've mated within their tribe for a long enough period of time you may find certain genetic conditions which affect members of that tribe. This isn't so clear in the United States where people are very mixed and you cannot know who is what tribe anymore.

A Black American male in the United States cannot assume they have the same genes as the San tribe in Africa merely because they look similar. Race would classify them as the same (black) or "African American" when in reality they could have completely different gene pools. The Black American could be mixed with native American, European, and a bunch of other stuff, while only being 70 or 80% African, and even then maybe not the same kind of African as the San tribe.

Do you now see how worthless the racial categories are? They don't tell you anything about your genome except your skin and some superficial features. So if you have a life threatening condition you will not know it just by knowing your race.

In sum, ancestry and ethnicity ARE NOT race.