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RE: What does Justice mean?

in #philosophy5 years ago

Very interesting post where you try to put different points of view about what Justice is or what Justice could be for different groups of people.

In my opinion, Justice itself is or should be that legal system that punishes crimes committed without any distinction between people.

When we talk about Equal Opportunities, as long as no criminal act is committed here, no kind of Justice is required. People are or should be free to carry out their life plan as long as they are not hurting someone else.

There will be rich people who will be able to give more to their children, there will be poor people who will not be able to do so much for them. There will be very talented people, there will be people without much talent. If I wanted to be a professional tennis player, I would have to compete with other players and if I faced Nadal, there would be no such thing as "Cut Rafa's arm to be a fair game," we could do it and the match would be more equal, would be "Justice", but it would be immoral. While if the party takes place under normal conditions, Nadal would have crushed me and would have won the best, that is also "Justice", but it would be moral. There should be no problem with this.

Ironically, if Justice were to divide the "resources" equally among all people, there would be no justice, because this would automatically lead to equality of results and therefore the people who strive harder, smarter or more talented would get the same as those who do not strive, are not so intelligent or are not so talented... And that wouldn't be fair either. Nor would it be fair to rob rich people for the simple sin of being rich.

There would be no Freedom, and this I believe is the key to being able to consider this "kind of justice" to be the least harmful to a society and the most moral. Therefore, in a certain way we could consider that Justice in these cases does not really exist no matter what choice you make. It is a question of morality where what really exists is the option of allowing there to be Freedom or not. To choose Equality of Opportunity or Equality of Results.

Very good post friend, Greetings and Peace!


thank you for your time @daniscib.
my best wishes back