Positive news magazine #2

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Homeless people are reconnecting with their loved ones thanks to this startup

Social media for social good. 

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Nicer people have much better sex and more of it

A study by The British Journal of Psychology, indicate that nicer people have much better sex AND more of it than those who aren’t so kind.

'Altruism predicts mating success in humans' found that “participants who scored higher on a self-report altruism measure reported they were more desirable to the opposite sex, as well as reported having more sex partners, more casual sex partners, and having sex more often within relationships.” 

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The new science of empathic accuracy could transform society

Source: maxstockphoto/Shutterstock

We live in an era of growing xenophobia and fear-filled rhetoric that fuels an “us" against “them” social dynamic. Recently, news headlines have been dominated by reports of violence and hate speech against individuals and collective members of society that is exacerbated by a lack of empathic accuracy. 

Oftentimes, it seems that a lack of empathic accuracy drives people from a mainstream "in-group" to marginalize and malign those from "out-groups." Based on the latest empirical findings, I'm optimistic that we can reverse the trends of intolerance and violence against one another if each of us individually strives to practice theory of mind, emotion regulation, and empathic accuracy in our daily lives towards the collective. We're all in this together.

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John Oliver buys $15 million of medical debt for $60,000 and forgives it all, because he could

John Oliver provided a damning portrait of the debt buying industry, Oliver claimed that “Any idiot can get into it, and I can prove that to you, because I’m an idiot and I started a debt buying company and it was disturbingly easy.”

Oliver then proceeded to detail how with $50 and knowledge of the law he was able to successfully apply online to create a debt buying company named “Central Asset Recovery Professionals”, or as Oliver put it, “CARP” named after “a bottom-feeding fish.”After setting up a rudimentary website for CARP, the satirical, but still real company was offered a $15 million package of medical debt for $60,000.

Oliver explained that the debt was out of statute, which means it is the kind of debt that a collector can only continue to collect, but not sue the debtor for. Then, instead of chasing down the 9,000 debtors in the debt package as a normal collection agency would, Oliver decided to stage the largest one-time giveaway in television history and work with the nonprofit RIP Medical Debt to forgive the $15 million with no consequences for the debtors.

Oliver’s actions last night continue his penchant for big-moment activism.

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Dutch police officers make dinner and do the dishes for kids after mum is rushed to hospital

A mother of five children was taken to the hospital with high blood sugar levels. The police officers who arrived on the scene with the ambulance didn’t abandon her children: they made them dinner and even washed the dishes.

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Heroic floodwater rescue in baton rouge

A woman and her dog were rescued from flood waters in dramatic video captured on Saturday. Four men in a boat pulled up to a red convertible that was almost completely submerged on Tiger Bend Road.

Postive news magazine #1 here


Very strange, but here is no one comment! People are not interested in good news? Only trash-blood-thefts-murders?

I think in our culture we struggle with good news. I think and hope that is something that will change in time.