Personally, I believe consistency and integrity are very important, and they tend to walk hand-in-hand. Being consistent is often an indicator of integrity... and people we perceive to have integrity typically are quite consistent and reliable.
Even on the simplest levels this matters... we go to restaurants because we can always rely on getting a good dinner there, not so much to those that are brilliant one day and possibly crap the next.
On a personal level... our consistency is one of the ways we can lead by example; and I find that consistency is a form of leading because people tend to gravitate towards it.
I can see that and it's an interesting way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing.
It's an interesting topic... I aspire to more consistency, but don't always manage to live up to my own expectations... and then my integrity is challenged because it becomes easy to point fingers at external factors when we get thrown off course... in what is often a very INconsistent world.