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RE: Are Good and Evil Really the Same as Light and Darkness?

in #philosophy8 years ago

As I read this, I kept coming back to Marty Seligman's TED talk on the progress of psychology... in which he very accurately pointed out that psychology has enjoyed huge success in terms of making people "not depressed," but "not depressed" has little to do with "being happy."

To be honest, I have always struggled to take pieces of the natural world-- like "light" and "dark"-- and get them to fit well with human consciousness except as illustrative approximations.

Are we inherently "good" or "evil?" Not sure... I'm thinking we simply "are" until we start assigning values to things, and taking active steps. Does the possibility exist that we actively choose to not take evils steps; to never explore "the dark side?" Absolutely! But they are choices, not states of being, as far as I can tell.

It's a bit like being in therapy as a teenager... "I am sad!" I would insist. "No you're not," my therapist would reply, "You FEEL sad."

Meanwhile, I'm feeling a bit undercaffeinated at the moment, so not articulating this well...


Who we are, our current state of being, is based in what we currently create through our consciousness as an external expression. If we do wrongs or support them, and don't want to learn from our mistakes, or are ignorant of them, deny what they do, etc., that is a reflection of our current state of being. I view it in the symbolism of being and becoming.


I did a big presentation of being and becoming as it applies to actualizing potential outcomes. Repeating micro processes of change.
