You write a lot of awesome posts that make people think about life and their place in it. I feel lucky that I found you in this strange virtual ecosystem, because I enjoy reading what you have to say. Is that "luck?" I think so, in a basic sort of sense.
I feel fortunate that I was born with a fairly decent brain and better health than most people seem to enjoy. I feel lucky to have met my wife... we knew each other as kids; later briefly connected when I was in college, she in high school... we lost touch; she changed her legal name. That I completely accidentally and randomly would be reading her blog one day-- not knowing who had written it, but inspiring me to leave a comment... that's luck. Or destiny, perhaps. Kismet, as you said.
Some say "We create our own luck." As a young man, I played golf as "almost professional" level... I was leading a tournament, almost finished, hit a good shot in the middle of the fairway... the ball landed on a sprinkler head and bounced into someone's garden causing me to lose the lead and the tournament... "bad luck?" Did I "create" that luck?
The universe is mysterious...
Thank you for the kind words.
It is an amazing story with your wife. It is very strange indeed how life works out.
It is funny the little events that can change our paths. All of the planning, training and preparation can be nullified by a sprinkler head. It could have also bounced fair and put you close for an easy putt. A very different story and possibilities.
I write so much because it helps me write more if you know what I mean (which I think you of all people do). I have to work very hard at this and cross my fingers a little in regards to reward that someday it will get picked up consistently. It may never happen of course but it will not be through lack of effort.
There is meaning in that for me.
Well, you're certainly one of the hardest working Steemians, just in terms of the sheer volume of high quality posts you publish. Unfortunately, "our type" of writing tends to take the longest to gain traction (following) in social media because it's a specialized niche following... on the upside, consistent publishing also leads to some of the most loyal followings. Barring major disasters, by this time next year you will have 2000 followers and that consistency will be there.
In the meantime... life is typically unpredictable.
"The opportunity is always painted bald and you have to take it by the hair" So...
Hahahaha, looks like we are dancing around the flames in the same ritual tribe circle here. At least, three of us. ¡Nevertheless! :)