Success In Life: It's Not All About Money

Goals are different for everyone and what someone might feel really satisfied with, someone else might not. Success therefore is different for everyone. One individual might think that success means having a lot of money in the bank, someone else might think that it is having deep and meaningful relationships with others, or having good health; there are many things that people aspire to in the way of trying to achieve success in life.

The main qualities that many people strive toward achieving in life in order to feel successful are:

  • happiness
  • health
  • financial prosperity
  • security
  • friends
  • peace of mind
  • good family relationships, love
  • hope for the future

Like beauty, success exists in the eye of the beholder and it is up to us to realize what we clearly define as success and then that enables us to work toward seeing it realized in our lives. We need to know where we want to go if we ever hope to reach the destination.

Success requires persistence, determination, and a clearly visualized goal that you want to achieve. Do you want a big bank account? Better health? More friends? More peace in your life? It's important to take the time to think about what we want to have in our lives eventually that we don't have now, so that we know where to focus our time and attention.

Looking at someone else's life journey and seeing that they have something that you don't have (house, family, fancy car, good job) can easily prompt you to feel discouraged. But we never know what is going on behind the closed doors and that person could have the house you might want, but maybe their health is really bad or maybe they have don't have fulfilling relationships with friends and family?If those areas are lacking, but they have a nice car, are they seen a success to you then?

If we are always expecting other people to define success for us then we might never feel like we've ever achieved it. Because everyone sees success differently, so how can you craft a life that is going to please and convince everyone equally into perceiving you to be a success? It sounds stressful to try and live that much for others. We can't let others determine whether or not we are a success, because it isn't up to them.

We each define success for ourselves, other people don't get to define it for us.


I hunt money a lot, wherever I can find it. Not because I love money, but because money is a very useful tool to achieve the goals that I do want, such as owning a nice chunk of dirt that I can stand on while I make my evil anarchist plots :P

sounds like chaos! hahaha

The more people that love you the more successful you will feel. Simple as that.

so seeking the approval of others makes us feel successful? :-/ i guess for some it does!

Getting =/= seeking. Having money is nicer than chasing money. Getting love is nicer than chasing it.

I like your post, and the attitude behind it! I predict you will do well here!

For me money is an indicator of my personal productivity. The fact that I am still poor means I am worthless. I went broke a few years ago. Any other objective of live to me as a man is secondary, even though the money itself does not really matter. My day to day life is the same when I am broke or not. I find that anything I do is about being more successful and money is the best indicator for it.

I wonder how I would feel if I just had money.

really nice article! love it

The problem is that a lot of people think that there will all the problems go away, if they would have money. But the real reason is, that they can be happy without money. The money is for 1/4 of all people direct motive, but motive for other 3/4 people is something else. But those motives are also nowaday presented also with the money. So if someone wants to be secure, safe, and wants to sleep calm at night, he must provide himself a money which enables him to buy things for that. The other people wants to just enjoy life and take care for animals, or just walk on grass all days, but there is a law who sais, that they should have insurance, they should go to work, and so on. There are also people who cannot do math, but they are good at sports, but because they do not have a chance to prove this, (they have to first finish the school), they are unable to get to the money. And there are those who like to sing, those who like to act, to draw, and those who like to care for others. Those are motives, which are in nowaday represents only with money. This is why money goes over all borders, and everyone thinks that it is solutions to his own problems. But, it is not.

Wow... I finally got to the part that says it was posted 2 years I upvoted anyway, just to let you know I was here... By the way, I feel like I've obtained all those qualities that make people feel successful...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...