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RE: Crazy Enough to not be Insane

in #philosophy7 years ago

The way I see it, we're still in the very early stages of this brave new monetary world. I remember when I was still basically a kid, thinking how cool it would have been if I'd been an early adopter to things like IBM, Apple, etc., and I'm proud that when I did get my shot at jumping on a promising yet risky wagon I made that leap. People have no patience. Sure it sucks that we watched steem break four bucks and now it's dropped under one, but when I started it was only worth fifteen cents. And I know it's going to turn around again at some point. Honestly the only thing that bums me out a bit is the lack of energy around the place, how many people throw up their hands when it's tough. But we're still here and there are plenty of other awesome diehards hanging around too :)


As long as we keep all the best crazy people like us, they'll call it art if nothing else right? :D

Damn straight! :0)