19 Year Old Model Sells Her Virginity For $2.9 MILLIONI was reading @kyriacos's post as I was putting together today's @newsagg headlines.
That had me thinking. I realized there is potentially a good lesson on Double Standards here.
There is a lot of the outrage over this and essentially referring to it as prostitution. In a sense yes, it is prostitution. If so, so what? It is her body. She can decide what she wants to do with it. She is not forcing you or anyone else to have sex with her. She is a virgin so she is not potentially having sex with someone and concealing a sexually transmittable disease. Now she her self risks exposure, but she can mitigate that by what she agrees to. It is also her risk to take. It is not your right to deny anyone what they do with their body. It is not my right either.
You can talk all you want about how detestable you may see such and action. That too is a right you have. It is not your right however to deny another human their choices they choose to make with their body. It could be argued that this is not true with children as they do not yet have the ability to defend themselves and make informed and rationally developed decisions. This woman is not a child. She is beyond the age of consent. She is legally considered an adult.
I have not yet reached the part about the double standard.
Think of arranged marriages where a child reaches the age where the culture and family deems them of acceptable age to wed and bare children. It is not about love. There are usually benefits to the arrangement for the families, the nations, and other things. In some cultures this includes a dowry which is given in exchange for that child's virginity. In fact, there has been a great deal of outrage when a "wife" in such an exchange is not a virgin. In this case it is OTHER people benefiting from the virginity of this human. It is often not desirable by the person losing their virginity yet it is still expected and in some cases forced.
The parents, the cultures, or the nations are essentially PIMPING out a person. This is one illustration of the double standard.
You see there are many ACCEPTED cases of giving up virginity that DO NOT benefit the virgin themselves. Yet when the person chooses a voluntary path to giving up their virginity that is lucrative and beneficial to themselves they are suddenly outraged.
Virgins sacrificed to appease gods, or dragons, or as some other lottery are things of the past. In some cultures they may be still occurring.
There are some Muslims and Hindus that very much remove the choice of virginity and choice of who it is lost to from the virgin.
I personally despise double standards. I am also a strong advocate for voluntaryism. I believe people should be able to make their own choices with regards to their body, and their time. It doesn't matter whether I agree with their personal choices or not. They are responsible for the consequences and outcomes of their own choices.
Observe. Learn from the choices other people make.
- Model, 19, claims to have sold her virginity for nearly $3 MILLION to an Abu Dhabi businessman through an escort website - and says the second highest bidder was a Hollywood actor
- Student, 26, is SELLING her virginity to the highest bidder on an escort website in the hope of raising millions to start her own business - and claims her parents agree it's a good idea
- Romanian 18-year-old girl claims she has sold her virginity for £2 MILLION - despite her parents' threats to disown her - after sordid four-month bidding spree
- LIKE A VIRGIN? British woman, 26, hopes to raise millions selling her virginity online – and claims her parents support it
Some lovely looking pictures, cheers
Hmm, I wonder how much a 55 year old father of two's semi-virginity is worth?
When human are able to make such a decission, they are able to accept the consequences.
For both men and woman
Hey db I totally agree. It's her choice to do with her body as she pleases until big brother says what one is allowed to do with it...... wait..... oh ... never mind you get the point ;)
You know, I have to admit, when I first read your headline I immediately thought "What? that's DISGUSTING."
Reading your article made me reconsider. Well, my opinion on it remains the same --thats disgusting, and I would never do it myself-- but it is definitely a double standard. I don't have the right to judge this. It has nothing to do with me.
Arranges marriages, in my opinion, are much worse than what this young woman is doing, and you illustrated that by saying virginity in arranged marriages is for the benefit of the other party-not the woman. In this situation, it's the benefit of this woman, which means it shouldn't be nearly as bad.
This girl is making 2.9 million. What did the brides in those arranged marriages make? Maybe a better house, if that.
Yep, it is totally okay to think CHOICES other people make are bad choices. Yet it is still their right to do as long as it is a choice about their own body and time. The problem is laws and cultures often allow OTHER people to dictate what is to be done with other people's bodies and time. That is a bad thing.
People need to be allowed to make choices. There will be consequences. There will hopefully be advantages as well. Yet, that is for them to choose and to experience.
Yes. They can learn from their choices--and take care of themselves. This lady is a grown woman. She can do this as fine as the rest of us.
If her father was making this choice for her and taking the money from her, though, that would make this completely unacceptable in my opinion. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be what's going on.
If she is SMART with the money she earns in this one encounter she could be set for life.
Certainly. And if she decides to spend it on things, hopefully she will be able to use this (even if possibly negative) exposure to her advantage and get an even bigger modeling career launched so she also has a consistent income.
Hell if she bought 2.0 million in bitcoin she could live quite well on just it's profits. Still have 0.9 million for other things.
Man yeah she'd be living the life, haha.
Hmmm what about he double standard for men's virginity?
What do you think I male could get!?
As for prostitution... what have wives been using to hook husbands ? and what stops after marriage ?
What is alimony,payment for services rendered...
Semantics and the way they control people through perception,and misunderstanding.
We Men are at a disadvantage. It is more difficult to prove WE are virgins. :)
Just tell her to stand back,you don't know how big it will get...
It is really only recently, that marriage has been about love.
It used to be solely about having children.
And, arranged marriages are not as bad as one might first imagine. They are usually made between families who where friends, finding suitable pairing for their offspring.
The selling of a virgin to a rich merchant, or the rich dirty old man is really a fairy tale. Imagine Hugh Heffner having to pay for a bride.
The real double standard is all about women, and the control over the sexual marketplace.
Women want their cake, and to eat it too.
Its all about loooovvvveeee the women espouse, and so the woman can choose who is eligible for her. But, a woman will marry for money far more often then you may think. Such is the settling down with a beta provider, when her looks have almost faded, and she needs children now. (and then, 7 years later, she can't stand the man that she settled for, and divorce happens) 50% divorce rate is no joke.
What is the difference of that, and prostitution?
Quite unpleasant and low, I do not agree, but she is free to do it. I also think that other cultures do even worse things, I have heard of people (I think in Central America) who make sacrifices with people alive today, like savages.
At least it sold for a couple of millions and it was not cheap, although I do not see the difference between that and prostitution.
I don't believe we have the right to tell people not to be prostitutes either. I've never used one, and I have no interest in such, but it is not might right to dictate what they can and cannot do with their body.
It's true, we do not have the right to force or deny them to do something, it's just my opinion. It is also my right.
Yep, and I believe I said exactly that in the original post. ;)
2 million is a lot of money and it's her choice. She could do a lot with that kind of money including investing, buying a house, going to college, starting a business - If someone wants to indulge a fetish I don't see an issue with it as long as it's consensual from all sides, and it's invaluable as a woman to have that kind of spending power.
Shame on her for collecting 2 mil on her virginity! She should just lose it for free like a normal person or have it given to someone else.
People should be outraged at the lack of virgins able to make 2 mil ........not the handful that do and can
@dwinblood Dear friend, your post always good and helpful. I like your post. I always follow you. Thanks:)
I didn't read the article that you are referring to so I am not fully familiar with the topic, but you raise a good point. People should have the right to make decisions about their own body. That is their freedom. I would hope that it is her choice for real though and that she is not being exploited behind the scenes. With the prevalence of human trafficking you never know these days.
But again, if she is free then why not I suppose?
I linked to some other articles similar in the post. It doesn't seem like she is the ONLY one that has done this.
She could get drunk (under age drinking... see banning doesn't work) at prom or some party and lose her virginity, and have nothing but a hangover and maybe an STD as her reward.
If she makes $2.9 million from it in a more controlled fashion people are outraged. Seems kind of stupid to me.
anybody got 3 mil I could borrow? ;>
The federal reserve prints money out of thin air and then charges interest. Give them a call.
the fed??? now THAT'S getting proper f***ed ;>
What double standards? I personally don't know anyone who thinks forced marriage or child marriage is acceptable. Also I think on the men's side it is a weird power kink because sex with a completely inexperienced partner is not much fun and not worth spending so much money on.
But what I am thinking is : a 26 year old virgin that probably looks hot asf too? Come on! I don't believe that for a second. The only girls that stay a virgin that long are the ones that want to save it for their husband because of their religious beliefs. Would they then abandon their beliefs for money?
I don't think so! Even a 19 year old virgin model is hard to believe.
You know that there are doctors specialised on the 'reinstatement' of the virginal status? So then that would be deceit on the girls side and therefore a ethically questionable business
The double standard is what people will consider OKAY and acceptable while blasting something else.
Haha... that is SO true. I often joke about Jihadis and their 72 virgins (or whatever the number is) and I think. Why bother? How about one very skilled partner?
Believable, but RARE.
That could be lucrative for them. Yet this kind of money comes with a lot of publicity so it'd be difficult to hide the NEWS of past auctions.
I did see the post earlier... and I agree that she should be free to do as she wishes, as a sovereign adult. I also don't like double standards.
As for the double standards, we all "sell ourselves" in some way... on a very basic level, we may (or may not?) choose to turn ourselves into "property" to some degree... with the arranged marriages, the issue is who's the beneficiary? Who gets the actual "payment?" And it's not the bride... there's an assumption of "ownership" that strips a person of their sovereignty.
The thing that interests me most about things like this is the deeper WHY of people's outrage.
Is the outrage real or is it conditioned responses taught by generations of religious and "moral" lessons? When an attractive younger woman marries a wealthy older man... we can "dress it up" with rhetoric... but is the underlying "transaction" ANY different? Although they may bill themselves as "international romance" sites, are so-called Eastern European/Russian mail order brides ANY different?
What are we truly outraged AT?
Could it be-- at least sometimes-- that what we actually feel is a sort of ENVY that someone has the "gall" to put no limitations on exploring possibilities in their life? And do things we would never "dare," or literally couldn't, because we're not pretty or rich enough?
Very interesting discussion topic...
If she invested 2.0 million of that 2.9 million in bitcoin, she could lived extravagantly for life off of the profits. :)
Hells to the yeah!
Women (and often men) sell themselves for sex all the time. Its called marriage and for centuries women were forced to see this as their only way to not only "get ahead" but often just to feed and house themselves. Love was often not part of it and still isn't. I know women who are married who say they have never even been in love. So, at least these women can get in one payment what it can take a woman her whole life to earn through thousands of sexual acts with her husband. But it sure is a sad gauge of the shape our societies are in. I believe in voluntaryism too and I wish the world would throw out the economies and usher contributionism (UBUNTU) into our communities!
If this model invests here money wisely she will be set for a very comfortable rest of her life.
Kudos for a great article and an articulate point of view on the double standard. This occurs all over the world. We have no evolved past the men are studs women are sluts mindset.
This is her body, she is an adult...all points that you refer to which shows she is making a decision for herself. This is not something where she is being forced into it.
At the end of the day, why are people upset about this. Few seem to have a problem with a girl giving up her cherry in the back seat of a car yet this evokes anger? How absurd.
Hell the fact that she is a virgin at 19 is an accomplishment on its own.
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One can be yours....
You got $2 500 000 to give her?
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wow,,,nice post
I always thought George Carlin said it best. "Selling is legal. F@#king is legal. Why is selling f@#king illegal? Why isn't it OK to sell something that is perfectly fine to give away?"
Relevance:Exposing double-standardsCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
As someone working in the sex industry for the last ten years, I have had this discussion with so many people.
Taking the moral high ground, _always_flounder when presented with the logic of voluntarism
Here is a post I did a couple of months ago..