Hahaha. I haven't listened or read anything by him except the random memes he was quoted in on Facebook when I was still frequenting the site. It seems, though, that most of the new age movement speakers are covering largely common sense ideas and then tweaking them to their own innerstanding, and sometimes to their own advantage and profit. Most of the new age speakers I've listened to come across very eloquent, and perhaps this is the actual attraction - the presentation. They give ideas that can be easily comprehended and then expound upon them in a very long-winded manner giving them the appearance of depth.
this post.Yeah that sounds like what I've seen so far. I was in a discussion with @georgedonnelly of the @steemsmart crew yesterday. In
He said this to me...
Downvotes/flags are a feature, not a bug. People need to read some Eckhart Tolle, watch some Alan Watts videos and put their delicate egos in their proper places.
his posts.Which to me seems very much an appeal to authority. Yet I know @dantheman is also a fan of Eckhart Tolle's work or at least has worked some of his info into one of
So I figured I should go look into this guy. So far it is fluff and common sense. Since people are throwing it around like people need to follow his work and become enlightened it made the entire thing kind of annoying.
I bet my poem makes a lot more sense now. ;)