Yeah I had my annual Company Meeting from Thursday night thru Saturday night... Sunday I just recovered. :)
We all work from home and only physically get together as a company once per year. The good news is our company has exceeded projections for three years in a row so we must be doing something right. :)
sounds like you physically took it apart too! LOL
Brown Bottle Flu FTW!
Heh I don't drink Alcohol. For me it was because it was in my area so unlike most of the people that come to it I had to commute each day to the meeting and then we partied and played things like Cards Against Humanity so three days of 4+ hours of sleep per day usually require a recovery period. Plus we always eat way more food at those meetings than I usually do so I have a bit of food coma. Though there are plenty of other people that do DRINK alcohol at the meetings, and since it was in Denver a lot of our people that flew into it spent quite a bit of time at our Marijuana dispensaries. :)
When you have a good time like that, you can kind of burn out on endorphins as well.
I enjoyed so much booze over the years I tend to forget there are other ways to get worn out ;>
How many people came in and overindulged in the herb? I never used it much, so a couple of times I had weird reactions to suddenly indulging myself.
Our company has 22 people and only 4 or 5 really did the herb. They didn't really over indulge. There was a dispensary across the street from the hotel we had our meeting at. :)
well, we know who had big lunches then LOL