I don't buy into the "Jews did it" speech myself. If you want to say the "Zionists did it" who are a subset of Jews, and even have non-Jews in their membership now then that is more plausible. Yet it is like pointing out one bad actor and ignoring the rest. There are a lot of power seekers and manipulators from all cultures. They rise from nasty human nature issues that reside inside of people. So it is far more complicated than the Jews did it.
I have seen no indicators that the Holocaust didn't happen. However, I am annoyed by the fact that all of these socialist, communist, marxist fans will bash Nazis and mention the holocaust while ignoring the fact that the deaths at the feet of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao during the same time period dwarf the number of deaths in the holocaust by a large degree. U.S.S.R. and Communism was larger than the holocaust in terms of deaths. China and Mao were even larger than that.
This is what happens when the people that say "evil capitalism" are so fixated on monopolies and bad things in the "capitalism" so they institute a system wide monopoly. They seem to think that the government because it is "public" is better than private. I suppose this is why the richest man in the world "Jeff Bezos" and other very wealthy people in the U.S. are constantly pushing the leftist, socialist, and marxist agendas in the U.S. If that happens who do you think will actually be in charge? They will... so they can use the label Private or Public all they want, yet mostly those words are just smokescreens and people should pay a lot more attention to actions and outcomes. Learn your history, and continually practice critical thinking. You can't master critical thinking from a class. That is like stepping into the wading pool. It will expose you to it. The rest is up to you and is a never ending journey.
The holocaust absolutely did not happen. It is a lie that has turned into a religion. Look at how many holohoax memorials there are all across the world. Our children are programed to feel guilt about it during their entire education. The holohoax is the one single thing that can never be questioned, and in Europe doing so will land you in prison. Only a lie would need a law to protect it. It's disgusting the way elderly Europeans have been jailed for stating the truth. The allies are responsible for 80% of the deaths during WWII, and deliberately targeted civilians including many French and other supposed allies.
The media and Hollywood consist of 99% Jews who work diligently to push harmful ideas on Western Civilization. jews are over represented in almost every singe institution. Jews created Bolshevism, and the Bolshevik revolution was funded by Jewish American Capitalists. Trotsky, a Jew, was responsible for the deaths of millions of White Christians, and he is where the intellectual segment of the Neo Conservativism sprang from.
I'm all for entrepreneurship, but large corporations are being used to stifle free speech, and a whole host of other rights. What happens when we have driverless cars, and the company providing them decides it doesn't like your politics, and refuses you service. Companies like twitter and facebook do these types of things all the time. corporate monopolies will have much more power to control us than even the government in the near future, and will not have any restrictions in doing so. We are walking straight into a tyrannical system that will permanently enslave us all if we don't do something to stop it immediately.
Fully agree with you on that - even on Steemit not many people will call out the fake holocaust...
Here is a bit of back up from my website:
Red Cross exposes “Jewish” Holocaust Hoax: International Red Cross (IRC) document confirms 271 thousand not 6 million died in concentration camps.
Thank you for the info